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snow spot ancistrus (L213)


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i apparently have one "apparently because i have no reference i.e photo of what one should look like will try and post pic if it will sit still long enough but basically it looks alot like a snowspot ansistrus L182 but the spots are smaller its head is wider and body shape is flatter it is dark in colour and its tail fin has a white stripe at the end from tip to base both sexes have bristles but the female only has them around the mouth and not up the nose (best way to describe it )...im sure mine is a female and its in with a pair of L182 until i can find a male ...will try and post a pic like said with all three so you can see the difference but im sure that will start a whole debate in itself coz im not even sure which fish is of which L number yet to be sure

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Ran into one of these on a recent shopping trip. Hollywoods Mt Eden? I believe I have two adult females and looking for a boy. Definitely not L182 as they don't have the white ribbon on the caudal fin.

Andrew_W, that isn't your boy, is it?

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Ran into one of these on a recent shopping trip. Hollywoods Mt Eden? I believe I have two adult females and looking for a boy. Definitely not L182 as they don't have the white ribbon on the caudal fin.

if its the one i am thinking about than jansens botany has 3-4 large boys and these are still on the list when i checked today [L213]

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nope they are L100 and L182 which came in as L213 supposedly .. been there and looks similair but dont have white stripe

They're fully adult and 3/4 the size of Starlights (L182) so definitely not that. I was thinking L183 when I mentioned the white ribbon, my mistake. Pretty sure they're L213 or possibly L100 from the vague pics on Planetcatfish.

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L100 and L213 were mixed into the shipment of fish. L100 are the ones that are flatter and ment to have the white tip on their tail. The L213 are almost identical to L183 without the white endings on the tail.

The spots also differ in L100, they have really really small dots, half the size of sugar bits.

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if there is a small white bar at top of tail and another bar (small horizontal one at the bottom ) then id say L182 but and a big "but,", ive seen six different shops all call these starlight ansistrus and there has been L100 L182 L183 and L213 so it is hard with just a head shot but ill guess it at this stage as a L182 but Blue and Kim may say something different

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Neither L182 or L183. L182 have the bands on the fins and L183 are bigger with a lighter colouration and more of an orange/yellow spot.

Whatever it is, I have three that look exactly like her, two males and a female. If your female is feeling lonely she's always welcome to join mine and even out the numbers a little. I lost a female a couple days before the males arrived last week.

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