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Figure Eight Pufferfish


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What else can i feed my puffers? They dont like flakes. Ive nearly ran out of snails, and i dont buy bloodworms often.

Ive read somewhere that they'll eat some sorts of shellfish etc? Which ones? Cooked or fresh? And the puffers are only small...

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My guys had to be painstakingly trained to eat shell on prawn chunks dangled from a string. Thankfully I didn't have to train them :hail: Their previous owner did. One of the three puffs is a freak of nature and happily takes pellets but the other two won't even look at a pellet, They are *far* too good for such inferior foods! i wonder how the little mini mussels from the beach would go as puffer tucker? Could be a good excuse to got to Sumner........

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How bout half crabs that you find under stones in rockpools,live food,they wouldnt survive for long in a fresh water environment but I bet the puffers would love them. or cooked mussel?ive handfed saltwater puffers cooked mussels(Perna canaliculus) before and they loved it.

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A few more questions about my puffers.

1. When people say they feed prawn chunks, mussels, crabs etc....Are they cooked, or fresh? Or does it not matter?

2. When I bought my puffers, the guys i bought it off said they had Adjusted it to fresh water a year ago, if i wanted to adjust it to a brackish tank, how would i go by this? Just chuck them in? I just read that they will thrive and live longer in brackish environment.


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fresh (frozen ) prawns etc.. try small crab legs (nice and crunchie) :D

Have you got a snail population yet ?? (crunchie is good :D )

introduce salt gradually over a few weeks at first ,

marine salt NOT tonic salt

Figure 8 s are low end brackish :D

imo :D

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get a hydrometer to measure salt concentration. i would just put them in fresh water then add a bit of salt during weekly water changes (maybe a scoop every 10L or something for a few weeks until you have it where you want it)

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  • 1 month later...

lol, today puffdaddy(the bigger n fatter of the two F8's) took a step up from snails and bloodworms, and devoured a neon tetra the same size as him! I just got up and turned the lights on, and was watching them and within a flash, he had the neon in his mouth then swallowed it with one bite!

Just thought it was pretty kool considering they are the same length!

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coolio don't depend on feeder fish though its good for them to get variety- you should see mine eating Danios... they might be fast but they definatley aren't smatr(danio's that is!) they swim above my puffer pretending he is a rock and then wham... bye bye danio

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