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Shy BNs?


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I didn't want to make a new thread, so I'll just use my old one.

Ever since I've tossed in 2 females into the tank, my males refuse to come out! It seems like they are afraid that if they leave their caves the females will take over!

On the other hand, the females are much more active than the males. I regularly see them swimming around the tank and sucking on the glass.

Any reason why they are like that? :evil: It's been over a week now.

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you can nuke the courgette but i find it goes too soft breaks up and clouds the water just buy a stainless steel hook or bolt (around $3 ) and stick iti n the end to make it sink if not just wrap lead round one end and it will sink and last longer in the tank .. the males will stay in caves when females are present they may be fanning eggs you never know but the mostly stay in their cave and try to coax a female in there to lay so with having females now this is quite common thou if you put food in the tank and after a bit the males DONT come out to eat it is likely they are fanning as they will refuse to leave their eggs or young ...so you may have more than four BN in there shortly :o

p.s and the baby ones are no easier to catch in a planted tank either :lol:

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oooh, don't do what i did and leave too much cucumber in the tank while ur at work :roll: . Right when i first started in tropical fishkeeping i did this - would have been ok if i hadn't put in too much for them to finish off!!

Came home to cloudy smelly water... never did it again :wink:

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I nuke courgette for my dudes, those who say it breaks up are doing it for too long! I do a thin (.5cm) slice for 1 minute in a little bit of water (bottom of a glass or something) and my 4 babies (all under 4cm) will eat all of it before it gets a chance to break up.

My bristlenoses prefer cooked over raw courgette!! :lol:

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