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looking into easy , small , starter L numbers


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Quite a few options there really, depends on how small you want 'small' to be and what you want to spend etc, also what pattern you want, what you want to keep them with blah blah blah...

Hypans are good, stay smallish, king tigers, queen arabs....things like that

Pitbulls stay really small and are quite cheap for a fancy plec....

Alot of other things get big but they take a long time to grow so will stay smallish for a long time, nuggets, snowballs, goldies

and the smaller panaques are a nice size...if you can get your hands on them, everyone seems to have gone a bit nutty over those at the mo

All are pretty easy to keep its just the price that put a lot of people off

Hope that kinda helps :wink:

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The last lot of pitbulls here seem to be intermingled with parotocinclus spilosoma as well. A diiference in patterning from jumbo- both cute if a little drab but good price.

Gold nuggets, snowballs get big, goldies and Mango's even bigger(25cm+)

A lot of fancy plecs aren't necessarily good tank cleaner or algae eaters, just show ponies. A few GBA's in that tank will keep it sparkling and good colour too. Or Albino bristlenoses for something a little flasher-cool little red eyes.

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