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filter media


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hi all.

on sunday we are getting a FLUVAL FX5 for our 6ft tank and they only come with the Filter sponges so was just wondering what filter media we should use.

the tank in total is 640L, we have daltons down in it and also daily add the flourish excell,

fish consist of:

gouramis (pearl, gold, blue, 3 spot)

dwarf gouramis

blue rams

congo tetras

butterfly cichlids




clown loachs

red tail shark - very quiet

silver shark - very quiet

based on this what media would be best to keep the water really clean and clear.



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Definately no carbon. Carbon is used for pulling chemicals out of the water, not necessary, and usually needs to be replaced every 30 days, not worth it.

To polish the water you could use a product like Seachems Purigen which is rechargeable and does a much better job.

I'd want it 2/5 noodles, 2/5 sponges, 1/5 fine wool/sponge, but thats just a personal choice of how I set mine up where possible. Biggest limitation is the price of the noodles, so you may find yourself using a lot of sponges :lol: esp. after paying for an FX5.

I hope you love it though :) It's the McDaddy of filters.

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