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Jack Dempsey Spawning


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My Jack Dempsey have spawned... :D finally after moving them back home from the display tank at hubby's work, they have settled into their cave and spawned... I am rapt, I didn't think the old boy had it in him... to kick them off with spawning, did a good water change and had fed them earthworms 3 days running.. 8) The female is a first timer, and these two fish have had a very strong bond over the past year and a half, but never spawned before up until now. The female is currently fanning a good amount of eggs and the male is resting, the old boy has done more exercise than he has ever done in his life, the big wuss, he would be about 7-8 now, 9 inches in body... not what I would call dinosaur but he's lived it up for a few years.

I am dying to get some pics, but cave is dark and I don't have new cam yet... I just so hope I have cam before the fry are up and about with parents. I would have loved to take progress shots... hmmm mothers day is coming up... hehe :)

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Just about everyone :D I am hoping nothing else breeds for now :)

And seems the old boy has the goods, eggs are definately fertile :D Cave is pretty dark, so I had to push my face up against the front of the tank to get a good look.. cave not the easiest to see into :roll: saw nice orange healthy looking eggs.. she's happily fanning away... he seems like a dead beat dad... or maybe too much of an old fogey to bother with raising young bin lids, you might just see him feature on Jerry Springer :lol:

Oh and Frenchy, congrats on your Leptos! :D

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Well have two happy and healthy parents protecting 500 plus fry :roll:

Anyone care for a few Jack Dempsey from real looker parents? :D

Anyway if anyone keen for some later on then be sure to scream out..

Dead beat dad finally came to the party and just gently nudged my chocolate talking cat out of the way... that fish doesn't have a mean bone in his body, the big wuss... and the part to peeve me off is my digital camera not focusing properly.. think it may be down to the fact it was dropped :-? :lol:

I vow to get a new camera by the time they are ready to discover the tank with ma and pa :D

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Here are a couple of pics I took a while ago when they came back from hubbys work, pics taken before tank landscaping started and finished, hands were safe in there landscaping.. :lol: they are big softies... the male is a very big boy. Sorry about the quality of the pics, think our camera was even on it's way out back then :-?

I have read so much info from other Jack Dempsey keepers and alot are not the overly aggressive fish that the species are made out to be :D Mine have only shown aggression with breeding, and that being the female, the male is a softy, when not spawning these two are as soft as cheese.



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yeah i have two jacks similler size and colourings to yours and they are best mates but havnt breed. i also agree that they are very mild in agression, but in saying that the big one dosnt take any shit :lol:

looking foward to th pics :hail:

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Well I have taken the fry and raising them myself, parents seemed to have had domestics over their fry :lol:

They are happily tucking into decap brineshrimp and very fine ground flake. Took a small movie clip of the fry with parents so will put it on You Tube and post link sometime this week :D

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