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Angelfish eggs???


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The angels laid on sunday 22 april, and now the fry are starting to free swim, but every time they unnattach themselves from the wall, the angels grab them in their mouths and im not sure if they eat them or put them back on the wall. Do they think that they are stil eggs?

Should i remove either the fry or the parents yet? Or is it too soon

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They are not FREE swimming yet.

That's what we term the wrigglers.

The parents appear to be doing a good job.

They have fanned the eggs thru to hatching, taking out fungused eggs that can kill the whole spawn.

Now they have shifted them to where they consider is a safe place and they are spitting them back.

They don't like them on the bottom of the tank.

When they are free swimming, you will know.

They look like a little swarm that move all over and around their parents body.

Sit back and watch and enjoy.

You'll get a buzz when you see the rise for the first time.

Then you can start feeding specialized baby food.

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Milet, Come along to our meeting this weekend (see clubs section) and i could make your eyes bulge with all the advice and opinions i can give you about angels and breeding etc! You can see one of our pairs who are sulking cause i rearranged their furniture and the other 5 adults who i am trying to convince to pair up. Got a bunch of 2 -3 month old babies here too. And got books and experience to share too. I just got a book specific to angels and have some genetic info which is like my bible printed off the net.

I am quite passionate about genetics of angels and will be more than happy to try and answer any questions you may have.

Would be great to meet you of course ! :lol:

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Thanks loopy, i will try my best to be there, it would be good to see angel fry and getto know more about raising them up.

I have a football game in ashburton the same day so hopefully it doesnt take too long to get back

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got any water outside which might have bugs in it? or come round here tonight and i can give you a wee bit of dahnia for them to munch till you get some more brine shrimp to hatch. They should be fine ( i hope) till you get more shrimp if you can't make it though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay the fry have been swimming around with the parents for a while now. I havnt been able to siphon them out or catch the parents because they pack a mental and thrash about everythng. The tank hasnt had a water change in ages and there is a tiny sponge filter running, and its a 100 and something litre tank.

And.........The angels just laid more eggs....What to do?

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