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Setup of Co2 System


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Hi I installed a Co2 system in my tank and am wondering if it is done right. Looking at the outlet it produces large bubbles, that immediately rise to the top. Am I dreaming or does that mean I am wasting Co2 into the atmosphere? :-?

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If the bubbles are escaping, then yeah that's wasted CO2. Most people use a diffuser, or ladder, which keeps the bubble underwater for longer (search google for CO2 diffuser, or even trademe). What I do however, is buy a $20 baby filter with one of those 'Venturi Air Inlet' things (basically an air pipe on the outlet), then connect that to the CO2. That way when the bubble comes out it hits water moving at 400L/hr or more and is crushed in to smaller bubbles. If there is too much CO2 going in, its less effective, which helps prevent you from overdosing the tank too much.

They'll start gasping at the surface if there is too much CO2, or insufficent O2. If you've injected CO2 using the method I describe above, turn off your powerhead/minifilter at night, and have another filter or similar making some water disturbance, just enough to keep the O2 coming in :)

umm hope that helps?

Example of filter that I use below, its on a timer with the lights, to lower CO2 I bring it closer to the top of the tank, and to increase O2 I raise the filter outlet of my external filter a little bit, eventually you find the sweet spot:


Using this method, when the CO2 is going (yeast mixes), the plants are producing so much oxygen you can see the bubbles forming and rising to the top (called pearling).

Best way is using compressed CO2 if you can afford it of course! Precise control means you can put in more CO2 safely using much better diffusers without worrying about overdosing by accident etc. I'd much prefer this latter method, but not everyone can afford it.

Oh and I'm assuming your tank is at least 150L, if its smaller than 150L I'd stick to using a normal plastic diffuser, and pointing a filter outlet in its direction.

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thanks for your help there, its a pressurised sera CO2 system and I think I have been using too much CO2 in the tank as the little guys are hanging out at the top and the diffuser has C02 bbbles that are quite large escaping out the bottom, should i be quite well stocked with the plants before using the system so it isn't wasted?

should I tinker with the system so the bubbles are quite small and stay in the tube longer?

I am going to definelty turn the CO2 down and when it turns off at night I will put the airline on a timer to come on nd distribute additional oxygen...

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