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can i stock tank ?


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just set up 500l tank in lounge used about 100 l of water from existing tank and the rest from tap can i start adding fish in my thinking it should be no different than doing a water change in an old tank as there should be heaps of bacteria in that 100 l of cycled water thanks for your thoughts.

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well theres one rule in fish keeping "dont rush anything unless is in the interests of the fish "

so on that note if after a week you did a water test and the nitrite /nitrate ammoinia levels and ph where in line with recommendations then yeah start to add a couple!of fish your tank water may be cycled but all that tap water has chlorine and you dont state what filtration you are using or if that has cycled from a previous tank or not , i have set up a tank in the past and put fish in within hours but and the big but was yes the filter was cycled from a previous tank and yes after the previous tank split down the middle i do feel it was in the best interests of the fishes i rush things a little

look at it this way we all want and dream of the final look to our tank but you have obviously invested time and energy and WAITED up till now a few more days of testing and double checking wont hurt you and more over wont hurt your fish ..

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Most of the bacteria hang out in the filter and gravel of the tank, I guess there are some in the water too, but you can only really look at that as a 'seed' for the filters in your new tank.

Best option is to run the new filter in an established tank for a week or so and let it pick up a usefull bacteria load. That will definately cut down the cycling time. Thats what I do with a new tank, then a few crash test dummy guppies for a couple of weeks.

Either way, it will be OK to add a FEW fish to your new tank and monitor conditions as it cycles. The nitrate cycle wont establish properly untill you get some bio-load going into the tank. So the water is probably perfect right now, it's that first couple of weeks of feeding fish in there that is critical.

Like Mr P says, take it slow, a few fish at first, build up the numbers over a few weeks and you will be fine.



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when i went from a 60L to a 200L is put the 60L water into 200L tank, rant the small shark internal filter in large tank while new filter was running & added fish the very next day. did not have any losses at all. that to me was the same as a water change.

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when i went from a 60L to a 200L is put the 60L water into 200L tank, rant the small shark internal filter in large tank while new filter was running & added fish the very next day. did not have any losses at all. that to me was the same as a water change.

Yup, that will work because it takes the established filter from your smaller tank, with all it's good bacteria, and sets things up in the new tank. Things wont instantly be perfect, but it will be close enough that your fish can handle the change. :)

Having a small spare filter or 2 hanging in your tanks is generally just a good idea, then when you want to set up a new tank you have one ready to go. Even if the filter is undersized for the tank, it will handle a light stocking of fish while the new filter gets established.



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wot i have decided to do is run my 1200 l/h internal filter that has been used in my other tank for a coupple of months while my canister filter cycles hav added about 8 various cichlids will see how they go thanks for your help

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