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I thought I had it cracked with no deaths in the tank for some time. I went about restocking the tank when my water was given the all clear. BUT now my Golden algae eater is no good at all. He has lost some of his colour, seems to have lost his balance and spirals when he swims. His eyes have become very dark and his gills are quite red? Any ideas guys? I cant bear to lose my tank again? This is my last shot as finance wont allow me to start again.

Thanks in advance.


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Looks like it could shock. Red gills, spiraling.... Poison, has the ph changed much at all? Check your ammonia etc. Any poisons been sprayed in the house at all?

How many fish did you have in the tank, & how many more did you add to the tank? What size is the tank again?

I would do a 30-50% water change. Take a sample of water first, get that tested.

Frenchy :D

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Hi there, I added 7 fish over a few weeks to my 160l tank. I have cherry barbs, angels, dwarf gouramis, 1 redspot, 1 bristlenose, one loach, one rainbow shark.... I think thats it?? oh and a pair of sword tails.

I have a fully covered tank and no toxins sprayed in the house.

I will do water change, gravel vac and get water tested, was fine not that long ago?

Below is a pic of my poor algae eater and one of the male cherry barbs...



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No sorry I couldn't get into town and now i've done a big water change? Is it worth still testing? The fish seem Lethargic and one of them seems to have a deformed head? Please don't tell me its hex? I'll try to get a pic up asap.

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Here is a pic of one of the very sick fish It isn't pretty so please don't click on the link if you don't want to see it.

http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/image. ... 9d81d1.jpg

I could set up another tank using the water from the main tank and add the heater and a filter from a smaller tank. This would allow me to completely strip the main tank and let it dry in the sun and set it up. How long would a tank with plants etc take to cycle? Do you think this is excessive? Will they be ok in the newly set up tank? If I use the filter and water and plants from their existing plants?

Please guys I need help today so I can get this sorted before going back to work.


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no it isn't the only one, but it is pale and spiralling. I lost the Golden algae eater this morning with the same kind of symptoms. My swordtails seem a little lethargic and one is gasping at the surface?

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I would cull the spiralling fish cos it's hard to fix them when they spiral.

Set up a BB tank (hospital) and put all the fish in there. Don't bother using water or anything from the existing tank. Just new water with a heater and airstone. Declorine the water first.

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Telling us ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels would help. Could be shock, as said (probably due to water conditions) or possibly an internal infection perhaps. I am not too knowledgeable on fish diseases having rarely had to deal with any (touch wood)

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If I set up a barebottom tank 45x25x25 cm tank and put my two small angels, 2 dwarf gouramis, 4 charry barbs, 1 zebra loach, 1 small red spot and one small bristlenose, one rainbow shark and 2 swordtails in it would they be ok with plants and caves until my main tank cycled?

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I've done some research and this seems to fit?


I have loaches and plecs so I can't use salt? Anyother ideas other than daily water changes? Malafix?

Has anyone had any experience with this?

Thanks for all your help so far.

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Clean water is often the best cure, you can do partial daily water changes (20-30%), feed once daily and make sure NO food is left on the bottom after 2 minutes. If fish condition doesn't improve within a week then there is something in your water supply, or possibly some contamination (e.g. fly spray, or detergents).

Salt is a great tool and a half dose might be an idea to help,but I wouldn't add any commercial products to your aquarium. Melafix is great for repairing damage etc but when fish are sick I've never found it helpful. If you have a fish of paticular value that needs saving, I'd recommend a hospital tank/bucket and Furan2 or salt.

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