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Electic Yellow Cichlids


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Don't know where you have been looking, but there is absolutely tons of info on these fish. A google search brought this up, plus heaps more.

Labidochromis caeruleus

Electric Yellow Mbuna


Cichlids R Us is another great site.

No disrespect Jude, but there is something to be said for "researching" your fish "before" you decide to buy, and with the technology of today, anything is just a keystroke away :)

HTH :)

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:) Must admit, they 'are' a pretty fish, but they will require slightly different conditions to your run of the mill stuff, like they need,...

Water Requirements: Fresh water, hard, alkaline; 15 to 30 dGH., pH 7.8 - 8.5; temperature range 23-25 oC. 20% water changes monthly.

Really choice as a species tank if you can devote your time to it.

Are they a pair Jude, or don't you know..?

Saw a pic a while back of a tankful of young EY's... looked absolutely stunning. Might see if I can look it up.

PS: You always were an impulsive bugger Ira he he.

Great stuff.

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They are a little girl and a little boy. To start with I dumped them in the commuity tank, but they are now in a tank on there own, and I am slowly upin the PH. I will have to get hold of a cam so that I can take some pics of them.

Thanks for your help again :D

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Look forward to the pics Jude.

Keep regular checks on the pH and hardness, plus the water changes and..... :)

If these are different to your other types, a good idea is to start a log where you can keep all the info of things you have done.

(now where did you put that camera...?).. :)

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If yellows are small, what is the size???they might not be m & f, usually best to buy a colony of 6 to 8, and weed out excess males later. Yellows will go with all mouth brooding africans(except big bullies) & most community fish too. They look good against pseudotrophies aceiis or eletric blues....Electric yellows are the most docile of the cichlids. :roll:

Sexing by black markings or lack of is no indication of sex,the males will develop a black mo/smudge on their upper lip. vent sexing is the only other true way of knowing the sex. All the best with them, they are a cool fish.

Frenchy :D

ps; plenty of info on the net too....& i personally would do 10-20 % water changes at least every fotnight.

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