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The Kribs at Krib Kastle


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went to the lfs and came home with a couple of little kribensis a few weeks ago, they live in a 24x12x12 inch tank ( :oops: brought for my growing on guppies) abode.....Krib Kastle. Noticed today that the male has developed a splendid rosey glow and the little fem's pot belly is not quite so potty.........and they are guarding the castle with a passion! I think things might be happening at Krib Kastle :D

How long before I could expect developments (if they happen)?

thanks - sue 'Krib Kastle'


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At what age do the petshops take the kribs in?

I have seen some lovely kribs that I really like!! I think they are albino ones. Wouldn't mind trying to breed them. What do you recommend (male:females) 1:1? Can they be put with any other fish like corys/bristlenose/guppies?

Cheers :)

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:D not sure chris.............if all goes well I'll be able to tell you later in the year :lol:

I've got mine in with cories - they are ok with them but apparently when they have fry they can be extremely territorial. I chose the 2 I've got because they had paired up in the lfs - the male was the palest in the tank but he was 'the chosen one' - have only had them a short while but spend hours watching them - cool fish


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Hi Sue, I bet you have a long week then, waiting & hoping to see what happens. I had a pair few :o years ago now, b4 the "P.Sex" days, they will defend their young well. :P Have you found that the male colours up more the longer you have him....

Chris they should go right with what you said, just have to watch the bristles dont get at the eggs. I control the bristles by moving there ceramic logs(home & breeding possie) to opposite end of whatever else may of laid. Also 1;1 ratio. shops here take fish at 3cm plus, to them though the bigger the better.

Frenchy :D

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The longest week..........you're not kidding frenchy :roll: I think they may have eaten the eggs this time though as they are coming out of the kastle more.....................however .....they are still guarding the kastle. When doing a w/change last night the male attacked the siphon. Will let you know what happens


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