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Hey guys,

I know theres been a few threads on this already, but being a complete fish noob I thought i'd make another one so I dont get all confused :P

I have Pearl, Leopard, Zebra and Golden Danios in my aquarium, and the golden ones so I have since discovered are heavy with eggs. I thought i'd have a go and see what happens with them - never experienced fish with eggs before, so what I wanted to know is - Do I take the females out and put a couple of males in a seperate tank (and i'm assuming the skinny ones are the males) or can I leave them all with the entire population (i have around 25 fish all together along with some algae eaters) Its all very exciting - my flatmates and I have been checking every day to see if any eggs have been deposited on the gravel, but not yet.

So what do you reckon? Take them out, leave them there?

Thanks heaps :D

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if you want the fry to survive, i suggest a breeding tank.

as soon as the eggs are laid, take the adults out otherwise they will eat the eggs. to help stop this cover the bottom over the breeding tank with marbles. the majority of the eggs will fall through and the adults won't be able to get at them.

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Hi MissAngel,

If you wont to have a succcessful spawning you will definatly need to set them up in a seperate tank, only a 30lt tank is required.

This is what I would do....

Place in the spawning tank a heater, a thin layer of gravel or marbles, 100mm of water from the tank they're in now, a bubbler and a clump of spawning moss or spawning mops if you don't have the moss.

Set the heater 3 to 5oC below there present temp but not less than 20oC and let the tank stablise for a couple of days.

Place a pair or trio(2males to 1 female) in the tank 2 or 3 hours before sun down, they should spawn the next morning with just a little luck.

Please note as the tank has just been set up DON'T feed the adults whilel in the spawning set up.

If you can see that they have spawned, remove the adults, if your unsure remove them the afternoon of the next day.

Make sure you have food ready to feed the fry, they will eat green water, well, what its in it, and the liquid on top of a microworm culture ( this contains baby worms and yeast ).

Good luck

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Hello, I breed danios last week. what I did is:

set up a 2ft tank breeding tank and set the temp to 28 degrees(normal tank temp is 25).

Breeding tank has a single layer of 15-20mm riverstones, this is so that the eggs can drop inbetween the gaps. Some poeple use marble, but there are expensive.

In the evening I put the danios(I have only 5) in the breeding tank. Next morning remove the danios. After about 5 days you will see fry sticking to the glass.

I have read info that danios are loyal partners, so I reckonmend putting all the danios of one breed in for breeding.

Be warned, the babies are small, you will need to feed infusia and rotifers for the first week and then baby brine shirmp.

infusia recipe: glass jar with tank water plus a piece of lettuce, leave in a warm place. After 3days it will be ready. Use eye dropper and put same of the cloudy water in to the tank.

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