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Tiger Barb Spawning Advice Wanted


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I've decided to set up a breeding tank for my tiger barbs and would be keen to hear some advice on the type of setup i should try and achieve for them. They have been spawning in the community tank and i have had 4 surving fry so far so i know they are fertile breeders. I only have the one pair.

I have an Aqua one AR380 (38 Litre tank) with built-in filter, light and 300watt heater. I have laid marbles on the base of the tank to allow the eggs to fall through as the barbs spawn. From what i have read i should introduce the female in to the tank and then introduce the male around 3 days later and hope they spawn. A couple of questions i have are:

Is there any indicator as to when i should introduce the female?

Does the tank i put them in to need to be a cycled tank or is it not necessary as they will be in for only a short period of time.

Can I raise the fry in this tank? And if so, do i need to worry about cycling the tank at all?

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have a cycled tank (reduces stress) leave them both in there so they pair up, before they start breeding the males nose should go bright red. usually if you put them in the day or so before they'll breed the next morning (dont know if its true, just what iv heard)

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how would i cycle the tank seeing as it will be bare except for the marbles? with my previous tanks i have added gravel, driftwood etc from an existing tank and then previously added fish slowly. Im not sure how i would do this with a bareish tank?

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thanks alan, slightly offtopic but i had a question about the stargrass i got from you. I planted it the other week (previously it was floating in the tank prior to planting) and some of the leaves have become transparent and may be rotting and falling off? Im wondering if its the shock of been planted and it may come right or if perhaps its lacking light (currently the 300litre tank has a marine white and marine blue bulb in it ) which i will probably replace with something different this week

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