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Ideas for my tank?


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Neolamprologus brichardi is an African, (Tanganyikan)

Requires different water paremeters to your Gourami etc.. And not what I would recommend for a peaceful communal setup.. Keeping just the one you might get away with it, they can get feisty over food. I would certainly not put more than one in your tank... especially if you ended up with two of the opposite sex, they are great with one another generally when spawning.. and great parents... but look out other fish :) Overall they prefer their required conditions tho.

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as tank has been unsettled i didnt want to add too many new fish but will look into anothewr zebra loach in time. The cichlid seems happy enough in the tank and seems fairly placid on his lonesome. we wont be adding anymore to the tank as we were told they will just fight. Seemed ok in the community tank he was in when we bought him. Thanks for advice though, will look into his required water conditions etc.

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Brichardi will defend their breeding territory, they generally tho will live in a big community, till a pair want to breed, then they split off from the group to obtain a spawning area, then they go about their business. Good idea with just keeping the one. However, their water conditions that they need will not suit your zebra loach or gouramis.

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If ya gonna keep the Brichardi try and aim for 7-7.2......... I'm not sure exactly wot ph the others like but im guessing its 6.8ish........ speaking from experience Brichardi will breed in a ph of 7 so if you can keep it there........

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Hey I was doing a little research and found this?

Botia histrionica

Common Names: Burmese Loach

Gold Zebra Loach

Temperament: Peaceful; Can be kept singly or in groups (6 being optimum), in groups heirarchy established by size, disputes can be fierce until established. May swim with barbs species if in aquarium. A very peaceful fish with other species.

So I shouldn't get more to keep him company? And they are right, he does swim with my barbs its pretty cute. Him and my algae eater seem to be very friendly!

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one of mine started doing loop de loops lol then the other one joined him and they both did loop de loops for a short while :lol: be carefull about cracks etc, they love squashing themselves into tiny cracks when they go to sleep. so when removing bogwood etc check it carefully

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