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i have pearl danio fry...


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i just can't find them :roll: :lol:

yesterday morning i noticed my danios spawning and eating the eggs.

this morning i noticed a few still in the plants (15-20), so i removed them, put them in a breeding net in my 4ft tank.

the eggs have been there all day, until just after dinner, when i checked.

so hopefully there are 15-20 fry stuck to the side of the net and i just can't see them. :D

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Hey tsarmina,

As you'll know now, the fry are amazingly tiny and stick to the glass for the most part. I use a small tank with java moss and fresh water and they breed within a few hours, when the eggs hatched I could see the occasional fry on the side of the glass (like 1 or 2). Within a week there was about 100 swimming around, of which all grew up and are sexable.

I raised mine entirely on 'Staple Fry Fish Food' which is a dry powder you can buy at some fish stores. I'm sure there is much better solutions than this, but they ate it.

Unfotunately not seeming very sellable. I've been having trouble giving them away to good homes :( In future I'll do leopard danios.

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