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Blue rams with fluke


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Please help, I have 135 ltr tank with spawning rams, phantoms, cardinals and 1 zebra loach. I have lost 2 zebra loaches and a couple of tetras already. It looks like skin flukes as the Male ram has about 6 or 7 around his fins and body but nothing around the gills, the female ram has 1 just below her mouth. The worms look like twisted bits of cotton. I picked up a UV sterliser and treating with cure ex this is day 4 and the worms on his fins look like they are getting bigger, can anyone suggest something I can do, I do not want to lose this pair or the rest of my tank if I can help it. :(

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Are you sure it's flukes cos they're pretty tiny and hard to see with the naked eye. If it's fluke you'll be better off to treat them with prazi or 37.5% strength formalin or potasium permanganate.

Could it be anchor worm or leeches instead?

Personnally cure ex doesn't do a thing for me and is a waste of time and money (my personal experience)

Good luck with your treatment,


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Hi ron, not sure but they got covered with a mucus and then these little white stringy things started to form on them and it seemed to be the only thing that fits. I have read about using dog wormer with prazi would this work and if so what dose for a 135ltr tank. :-?

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By the way since I got the uv sterliser the loach has come back from deaths door and is trying to play with the cardinals which is great as he was on his back for a week. I had done all the water test and didn't over feed but the water in the tank was always cloudy but not anymore. :P

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Just to let you know I'm pretty new to this so you have to speak blonde, what does ppm mean, I don't want to stuff up the dose and are these safe for fish,plants and filter, and where can I can this stuff from tomorrow. Will one dose do it and will it kill off the eggs :-?

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keep in mind PP will kill all your good bacteria so make sure that after treatment you keep up with the w/c's while the tank re-cycles. When i used PP on my discus i sat by the tank for the 5 hr treatment and didnt leave except for food and the toilet :lol: Every account i have read of things going belly up was when people werent vigilent enough.

I used a differnt method to the one alan is describing. mine was a 5 hr bath (in tank which is a barebottom, just removed the filter media) at 2ppm and i used hydro peroxide to neutralise followed by a 75% w/c.

Rams are sensitive fish so i would advise watching the treatment out if you do a short term bath if possible. Best of luck :)

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Hi guys, got some pp from Blue, thanks for that again blue. I have bath them for a couple of hours, does not look like any have come off. Looks like some of the ends of them are sticking out but thats about it. Should the colour of the water start to clear by it's self? What should I do now?

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Thanks for that blue, have done what you suggested, now just have to wait and see. Oh boy these things are really nasty, once you get them hard to get rid off. I think my tank has some really bad karma since the day I got it, But love my fish so much!!!! It's been along today gonna have a glass of wine :lol:

Thank you so much everyone for your help, and blue & kim your simply the best. :wink:

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Well, you identified the problem and others from the forum came up with the treatment, all I did was give some funny poisonous purple chips to ya... glad I could help anyways! By the way, did that old book on fish disease help you figure out what it was?

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Sorry blue didn't get a book, she did tell me about but didn't see it. Alan and ron helped me with what it was. Thanks for that Alan and Ron.

Tanks is clear of treament now , fish seem happy enough, but worms still attached at the moment. Talk about germy jims under the rim :oops:

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