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plants overgrown by ALGEA! =(


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this is my problem: :-?

i constantly keep getting algea especially on my plants

i have a 5 months old, 130L tank (AR-620T) with 2 x 18 watts of 7100 k (new bubls)

Therefore i have 36 watts for 35gallons, with about 20 plants in the tank.

should i try using CO2 (using the DIY method)

water tested 06/04/07

ammonia: 0

nitrite: 0

nitrate: 5

ph: 7.2

i already have an bristlenose should i get some otos as well, because the bristlenose doesn't seem to be doing the job! :cry:

do you know what might be causing this algea, or do you have a solution?

please :wink:

here are a few photos: http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u130/emilie5459_photo/DSC05283-1.jpg

http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u130 ... 5282-1.jpg

http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u130 ... C05281.jpg

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I'm not very clued up on lighting,but 1 trick I used to cut down on algae growth was to set my light timer to come on twice a day,with about an hour between the 2 times.Its something to do with breaking the cycle of growth for algae.For example,lights on 10am-2pm,and again from 3pm-8pm.

Seemed to work for me.

Shrimps are also great for the job,many species,they all seem to do the trick,and are an interesting addition(make sure your fish aren't big enough to scoff them!)

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you can try using flourish excell or diy co2 but from experience i would say you have too many nutrients. so i would try to cut this back.

to cut it back you need to look at your fish load(how many and is it over stocked), how much your feeding (is it possibleyour over feeding?) and mantainence (are you gravel vacumming out the stuff)

One you sort that then you can have a go at playing with excel/co2 and ferts to get good growth on your plants

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i have 4 neons

4 golden barbs

3 pepperped corys

1 moonlight gouramy

1 bristlenose

2 ? can't remember the name but as somall as neons

i can stock up to 78 and i am now up to 51 using the size they are now

no i feed them once a day, 1 a week i add a slice of cucumber, and give them peas

i have some flourish excel, (though this stuff is expensive)

so i thought using yeast... cause it's like a food substance so my parents will buy it for me !!! lol

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