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Everything posted by emilie5459

  1. Hi I’m a complete newb to owning a turtle. :bounce: I am only thinking so far, so I can gain a full understanding before buying a tank and turtle and all the appliances. I would prefer to have an aquatic and land turtle as I live in the country side, so it would be able to run around…a lot. Though I was thinking of keeping it inside during the day while I’m at school and leave it go for a run in the afternoon. I have owned a 130 L fish tank, so I know everything to do with cycling (ammonium, nitrite and nitrate) Though I assume turtle keeping is completely different… so I have a few questions: 8) what turtle do u think would suit a beginner best, with my intentions? could you please name all the appliances I will need for this turtle species. And any tips I might need as a beginner I have an idea for my inside tank, to have the tank only about a 30cm high but quite long in a L shape where one side will be water and the other land do you have any suggestions thanks for your help emilie :bounce:
  2. i have 4 neons 4 golden barbs 3 pepperped corys 1 moonlight gouramy 1 bristlenose 2 ? can't remember the name but as somall as neons i can stock up to 78 and i am now up to 51 using the size they are now no i feed them once a day, 1 a week i add a slice of cucumber, and give them peas i have some flourish excel, (though this stuff is expensive) so i thought using yeast... cause it's like a food substance so my parents will buy it for me !!! lol
  3. oh yes i had tried this, but with no result thanks for the helpfull advice though
  4. this is my problem: :-? i constantly keep getting algea especially on my plants i have a 5 months old, 130L tank (AR-620T) with 2 x 18 watts of 7100 k (new bubls) Therefore i have 36 watts for 35gallons, with about 20 plants in the tank. should i try using CO2 (using the DIY method) water tested 06/04/07 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 5 ph: 7.2 i already have an bristlenose should i get some otos as well, because the bristlenose doesn't seem to be doing the job! do you know what might be causing this algea, or do you have a solution? please here are a few photos: http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u130/emilie5459_photo/DSC05283-1.jpg http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u130 ... 5282-1.jpg http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u130 ... C05281.jpg
  5. oh i have a snail problem>... do any of these fish eat snails guppies, golden barbs, moonlight gouramy, peppered corry, bristelnose, otocinclus?? or should i get a couple of zebra loaches to get rid of them?? oh and do otocinclus and bristlenose need driftwood or bog wood as part of their deit?? thanks i'm sending some pictures of the recently added plants and driftwood soon... thanks so much
  6. could i please have some advice about the types of fish i want to have... i listed them, on the second page i think thanks, guys (experts :lol: )
  7. can someone please tell me if it's safe to go ahead and add my plants, and driftwood now, even though i still have 0.3 nitrtite still in my tank... i'm already to go, just waiting for a reply sory i must sound so bosy, i'm just reali excited to add everything in!!!! :lol: :lol: 8)
  8. awesome, i'll add the plants, and driftwood (if you think it's been soaking long enough) and ín a couple of days when my nitrite has reduced to 0 i'll do some water changes and then add my fish... does that soound goooood!! :lol:
  9. haha thanks, ok coolies i'll add the plants in now, and the driftwood as well (should i? :-? ) i't's been soaking for about 5 days.
  10. oh reali. awesome these were my results this morning ammo: 0 nitrite: 0.30 around abouts nitrate: 40 could i add my plants now even before the water change. or could this hold back my cycle??
  11. oh thanks so much, so helpful. more questions?? :lol: haha 1) when should i add my plants and driftwood? * after my water change, * wait till my nitrate is below 15 before adding plants and driftwood/
  12. wops i wasn't meant to quote my writting only the; jack of bacteria... i don't know what you mean by this?
  13. when i will do my water change, before adding fish... should i touch my substrate (gravel)?? because i have a reasonable amount of rotting, and algea things just sitting on the top of it do you think i should? or could i absorb good bacteria in the gravel?? tanks guys
  14. hey i have decided not to get any angels, because i've read that they need the top to them selves. so maybe this will be my final stock, please tell me if you have any ideas, or if they don't go together... 4 golden barbs 2 guppies 4 pentazona barbs 3 peppered corys 1 moonlight gouramy and 2 otocinclus or a bristelnose i don't know if overstocking will be a problem though my fishies don't grow very fast, and i will have lots of plants. :lol:
  15. yes, i would never risk doing one that large, :-? ok great
  16. oh thanks so much for the quick replies, though i didn't mean to cause a fight haha yes i read that the only way to get rid of nitrates was to do a water change. my test results are: amo: 0 Nitrite: 0 nitrate: around 40-60 i think i will do a 30% change to start off with, then re-test my water, and if my nitrates are not under 15 i'll to another one... does that sound good? thanks so much again! emilie
  17. i have just finnished my fishless cycle, and was wondering how much water should i change?? this information may help you; my tank is the AquaStyle 620T... (the middle, black one on the left colum) http://www.aquaone.co.uk/AquaStyle_aquarium.php 130L, : 62W x 38D x 72H cm Lighting: 2x18w PL 7100k each 25"Wx15"Dx28"H the fish i will add after my water change; (please tell me if you think it is tooo much) 4 golden barbs 2 guppies 3 peppered corys 1 moonlight gouramy and then a week or two later 2 baby angels and 2 otocinclus or a bristelnose (do they like driftwood of bog wood?) i will also add around 12 plants, and a large piece of driftwood. hope this information helps thanks emilie
  18. yeah that's great!!! i'm so ecited to get rid of the little buggar (algea!! haha) yeah i have, though in another tank, because my one is cycling 4 golden barbs 2 zebra danios 2 guppies 3 peppered corys 1 moonlight gouramy (not sure of the name!) um i was thinking of getting 1 bristlnose catfishand and 2 otocinclus yes i have to agree with you flourish excell is reali, expensive thanks spiderweb
  19. so, ok i will go to my LFS and get the closest 6500 kelvins power compact i can find. i will by some excell flourish too, to help the plants grow. 3 more questions?? :lol: ***what is the watts for the power compact, or will they know? ***will this 6500K bulb be a good light fish, and bring out the colours? ***what types of plants do you think would be suitable for my style of tank? thanks so much. sorry i've asked so many questions!!
  20. from above it looks like slime, but if you look at it reali closely u can see little, little strings sorry that doesn't help, there is both i think
  21. will that be enough to grow plants and get rid of the blacky brown algea that sits on the leaves??
  22. these are some pictures, hope they work!! http://www.bebo.com/PhotoAlbum.jsp?Phot ... 3093984553
  23. i'm so confused what is an AC adapter and a starter/balast i'll try send some photos
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