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Breeding Metynnis argenteus, The silver dollar


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I am quite keen to give this a go. I have 3 males and 5 females and they spawn regularly. The fun part seems to be determining whether the eggs are fertile and how to get them to hatch etc. I have about 2 dozen eggs in a small tank at the moment with a drop of meth blue and will watch to see what they do. gonna keep trying until i convince myself or someone else convinces me that it can't or can be done. Has anyone got any tips or stories or experience with breeding silver dollars?

*edit typo*

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golly have i cracked it first time???!

I have 6 out of about 18 eggs which are still clear after 24 hours and are starting to get a "seam" visible in them. I think this is a good sign! 48 moore hours and something might hatch!! And even if i lose these 6 eggs i think it still shows that there could be hope!

Watch this space

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Much like Angelfish, the best way to acquire a breeding pair is to purchase a half dozen juvenile silver dollars and raise them together. Although the parents will not consume the eggs or fry, other fish will, so when spawning them it is wise to place them in a separate tank. To facilitate spawning, make sure the water is soft (8 dgH or below) and warm (80 to 82 F), keep the lighting dim, and provide fine leafed plants (which will be eaten if they are live rather than plastic plants). Eventually a pair will spawn, and the female will lay up to 2000 eggs.

The eggs will fall to the bottom of the tank, where they will hatch in three days. After approximately a week, the fry will be free swimming and able to eat fine foods such as commercially prepared fry food, finely crushed spirulina, or freshly hatched brine shrimp.

Taken from about.com


In nature these fish spawn in shallow, sun drenched flooded areas of rivers. In the home aquarium they have been breed in clear aged water with a temperature between 81 and 90f. The eggs hatch in about four days and are free swimming a week later. If well fed they will grow very quickly.

Taken from badmanstropicalfish.com

HTH :)

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Our dollars are about bread plate size. Something to note with the dollars is they are group spawners and they do eat the eggs. Also if you get them from a shop you should know how to sex the juvies. We have attempted to get the eggs to this stage many times but always thought the male was infertile as the eggs clouded within a matter of hours.

As for selling.... Maybe in the future if we get a good success rate. But can't really say at this stage.

Hope to see you at the meeting on Saturday and hey; if the eggs carry on the way they are you will beable to see the fry.

Mr Loopy

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golly have i cracked it first time???!

You have done well so far Loopy, keep it up and keep them in the dark.

But to go back to the above quote.

When you have raised a minimum of ten fry to thirty days, then we'll put your name up in lights.

I know what it is like to breed a few species of fish, and I have had MANY disappointments

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This is the farthest we have got and I'm starting to turn blue. We don't want to count our fish till they hatch.

If we succeed in getting one to hatch we will be wrapped. We will also then syphon the eggs out when we can to have a go at that elusive number.

We will be trying to get pics as they go. I tried earlier but when I worked the photo I couldn't cee the eggs. Mrs Loopy is better at the camera thing than I am so we will see what she can when she finishes work (Shaz got somw awesome pics of the siamese spawning)

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Male silver dollar



Female silver dollar


Note the shape difference in the anal/bottom fins. Females also tend to be larger, rounder and fatter than the males.

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I have 3 big silver dollars and they try to spawn but i never see aything. I have a fish nearly the same as your male and I alway thought that was a female as a book I read says more colour in the anal fin is a male. So I presumed no colour girl. Now I'm seriously rethinking this as its fin is the same as your male and everything. Thanks for posting this it is really interesting and so exciting! I hope you have success!

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We still have 1 very wriggly little silver dollar fry! Had 4 hatch but 3 disappeared. I think it was planaria which i just discovered in the tank late last night. Will not be too worried if this last fry dies too. Would be fantastic if he hangs in there till Totally Tanked night. We are just amazed at all we have learnt in the last week about breeding these very cool fish!

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  • 2 weeks later...

unfortunately no. The last one dissappeared the day before the last Totally Tanked meeting. Been waiting for the daft fish to spawn again so i can try hatching some fry again. At least i got the photo of that fry! keep stareing at it occasionally think "WOW that is a baby silver dollar!"

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