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Yay ..... Me allowed new (bigger) tank


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We are extending our lounge and I'm allowed a 'bigger' tank. Woohoo! Oh man I must be really hooked!

Extensions are not started yet but thought I'd get onto the planning now so I'm ready when able. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

* Looking to buy 4-6 ft tank and wondered wot I should be looking for?

* Wot sort of stand would I need for something that big and how thick should the glass be to hold that much water?

* Can you get tanks (like Aqua) with lights etc in hood in that size?

* How much filtration?

* I'd like some slightly bigger fish (the honey gouramis are the biggest I currently have in my 100 ltr tank). I'm not sure if I could keep the fish I have now (see below). Would any of them get eaten?

* Any suggestions on wot sort of fish. Prefer peaceful!

Sorry for all the questions but you guys are so knowledgeable and I don't wanna stuff up. Any suggestions would be appreaciated.



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Oh my goodness Snookie - you are so right - I could oust the tele and have two! lol Best not push my luck - I'm lucky to get 'bigger' don't know wot hubby would say to multiple tanks :lol: Besides I've seen many people on here with MTS and am trying to stay clear of that! Sounds dangerous.

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Can you get tanks (like Aqua) with lights etc in hood in that size?

yes but theyre not cheap. look awesome tho i have an aqua one 4 ft (cant remember number) i think its 275 litre. filter is good but noisey

Any suggestions on wot sort of fish. Prefer peaceful!

discus, catfish, dwarf cichlids :D

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yes but theyre not cheap

Wow you were'nt kidding!

discus, catfish, dwarf cichlids

Those discus are beautiful but I thought they are difficult to look after? Would they eat my current fish? Also I see the preferred PH is 6.5. Mine always sits on 7.0. How do you keep the PH lower?

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Those discus are beautiful but I thought they are difficult to look after? Would they eat my current fish? Also I see the preferred PH is 6.5. Mine always sits on 7.0. How do you keep the PH lower?

no not difficult at all, maybe a couple of extra water changes, but generally they are easy. as for your other fish, none will be eaten. most of discus aggression is toward other discus.

also your ph is fine as long as its stable

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discus are easy if your water is good quality. if it isnt you will have endless problems and no amount of water changes are going to help if the water is bad to begin with. our te puke water was really bad until they changed the supply over and i had quite a few problems (thankfully nothing too major) during that time.

most fish are adaptable to a certain degree and discus are no exception, 7 would be fine for general keeping :)

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Clown loaches, dwarf cichlids, bristlenose, some more gourami - dwarfs cause they have some groovy colour variants.

Filters - i have fluval and aqua one, and I think they are both great. The Aqua filters are much cheaper so thats what I would go for.

yay so many decisions...have fun!

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discus are easy if your water is good quality. if it isnt you will have endless problems and no amount of water changes are going to help if the water is bad to begin with. our te puke water was really bad until they changed the supply over and i had quite a few problems (thankfully nothing too major) during that time.

I've not had any problems yet and just for interests sake I tested the tap water today and the PH is about 6.3.

Clown loaches, dwarf cichlids, bristlenose, some more gourami - dwarfs cause they have some groovy colour variants.

Yes I've looked at all those (dimebag suggested dwarf chichlids too) and they are cool. I have always wanted a Cobalt Blue Gourami but am afraid to put one in with my pair in case they pick on her. If I had a bigger tank I could tho right? My friend has a clown loach and he's soooo cute and funny. I definately want one of those. (the reason I'm going for a sand substrate this time).

Yep definitely exciting ..... :bounce:

Thanks heaps for your help. No doubt I'll have lots of questions as I go.

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