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Whats the best food to feed my fish? And how often?


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Hi everyone i have 2 dwarf gourami, 8 tiger barbs, 2 albino kribensis, 1 male bristlenose and about 5 baby ones, 2 dwarf loaches and 3 kuhli loaches and would like to know what the best food to feed them with is and often i have to do so. at the moment i am feeding them a flake food a few times a day and blood worms 2-3 times a week.And for the bristlenoses and loacjes i throw in a couple pleco tabs a fay. Thanks

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I wouldn't recommend bloodworms with dwarf gourami, I found mine often developed a dropsy condition when bloodworms were on offer leading to death. Bloodworms are known to carry a lot of parasites etc, I still feed them to my fish just not the dwarfs.

I know some products like Tetra ColorBits are great for enhancing fish colours etc Hopefully some more folk who are more up to date on fish foods than me can help more with that :)

I recommend feeding twice daily, no more than can be eaten in 2 minutes. If food hits the bottom and stays there, it should be gravel vac'd out within 24 hours. I normally just work out which tanks need 1 pinch, 2 pinch, 3 pinch etc

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With frozen bloodworms you really can't tell, I mean, they should be but what do I know. Bloodworms go crazy in my daphnia ponds, every net full is practically 1/4 bloodworms, it's awesome. If you're interested in culturing them (they're the larvae of a non biting midge, so don't worry) all you need is rotting organic matter and water that's outside.

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i have pearl gauramis in a community tank that eat bloodworms & flake every day. I use Kongs bloodworms that i get from my LFS. I only feed them once a day & i have never had problems with water quality & have had very few fish get sick at all.

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