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Discus please help


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I have a breeding pair of Discus Once they lay their eggs about 5 hours later they start to eat them.

what is the ideal sized tank for a pair for breeding?

Would it be a good idea to put polystyrene on the 2 end's and back of the tank aswell as the bottom.

Also would it be a good idea if i had something to put over the front of the tank when there are going to be a few people in the room OR would that stress them alot?

also The Ph i was told 6-6.5 is that right

Water Temp. 29*c

Bare bottom tank

Sponge filter



Terracotta pot.

Is that right???

Sorry about all the writing

Thank You Very Much

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they are one of the hardest and most annoying fish to breed...i've been breeding/trying to breed for awhile now, i've been though 3 pairs and i still cant get it 100%

in my humble opinion i would give up, they are just so annoying to breed but if you want more info try reading on this forum


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I say don't give up! :D Keep at it, if we didn't have challenges with keeping fish and breeding then it would soon become boring..

Sorry I can't answer your questions in regards to breeding discus, as I don't breed them myself, but there are rather a few out there that have had great success with their pairs... Good Luck anyway :D

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Breeding discus is not hard at all if you have a good pair and the water chemistry is right. To me they are one of the easier fish to breed. All you need is a tank (80-120 ltrs) , a heater and a sponge filter (optional but without one daily waterchange is a must). Bare bottom tank to make life easier.

Ph - 5 to 8 (as long as they are stable and not fluctuating)

Temp - 27 - 30

Soft water for breeding.


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Yeah I say dont give up.. I dont know the first thing about breeding them but if you've got them laying then id say your already three quarters the way there..

One thing I dont have a clue about is if 2 female discus can pair up? I know its possible with angels and other fish maybe this is the case with your ones?

Also you mention movement around the tank, some fish are a bit worried when with babies so if theres heaps of action then maybe move them to somewhere a little quieter.. Also I think if you decided to stick poly over the front of the tank everytime there were people in the room it will freak them out more.

How many times have your pair layed? Maybe they're just new at it and need to give it a go a few more times.

Either way dont give up there are a few people on here that are really good people and breed alot of discus and im sure they will help you out.

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ok maybe not give up but after sooooo many spawns, you feel its just not worth the trouble and cost

i have had egg eaters, fertilizing problems,fry problems, 2-3 old babies dying ...i just got another pair spawning the other night and they just ate the eggs the next day, out of 4 pairs only 1 pair has gotten it right :roll:

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i can get discus to spawn but i cant get plain old cories to :lol: IME they are easy to get them paired up and laying, its just the raising part thats the problem.

a friend of mine sews neat little curtains for around her discus breeding tanks, its probably just as easy to throw towels over but they are nice and neat and are able to adjust onto most size tanks (elastic and black material of some sort). apparently they work well for her when she cant move them to a low traffic area.

two females can pair up, you should know after 24 hours or so if the eggs are fertile or not as they will go white if they arent.

ive had a pair for close to 10 months now that just keep spawning (fertile too) and will eat them after 48 hours, its my fault because i make no effort to cover the tank up, remove them etc but goes to show that a couple of spawns with no babies isnt too major, mine have laid probably close to 100 batches now :lol:

best of luck :bounce:

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