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Africans shy of light?


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Hi all, i have just got three yellow labidochromis today. they were put in their new home at 10am this morning. they have been hiding all day. i figured this was due to new surroundings. however i have just proven this theory to be incorrect. i bought a new bulb for their light, its a 15w 18" "power glo". i have turned it off, with the room light still on & they have come out from hiding to play & interact with me (they are following my hand etc). i turned the light back on & they promptly went back into hiding again. is this light too bright? it is a very bright light that makes the tank & fish look great. anyone had the same problem?

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We keep a number of different Africans, and none have shown sensitivity to light, however, if it is really bright as in "really in your face" kinda bright, then they may not like it. None of our lights on the Af tanks are overkill as such with brightness :D They possibly may settle into your tank and adjust to the lighting tho, since they have only been in the tank since earlier today, if they continue to follow the same behaviour pattern tho, I would definately look at changing it.

Just looking at your pic tho in other thread, it looks fine to me, maybe they are just settling in, and feel a little more secure with just the room lighting, but when the tank light goes on it is a different story and they may feel more vulnerable...

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I had that problem in one of my smaller tanks.. Theykept hiding when the light is on.. but after about a week and regular amount of lighting they get.. they seem to get used to it.. maybe they are just getting used to the tank and environment? :wink:

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