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My Angel Laid Eggs!!!


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Today i emptied my main tank and moved the fish to a temporary tank while i put in my 4footer in place of the old one.

I got all the fish out and had the water half siphoned out untill i saw the slate was covered in eggs!!

I quickly put it into the tank i had setup for the eggs but over half have turned white now, was this coz i had them out of the water for a few mins and now they are dead? Dumb ay

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay this time it seems im more succesfful than the last two times!

I left the eggs in with the angels so they could raise them. They have done a great job and now the fry are still stuck to the filter (which is turned off) but they have grown eyes now. Should i remove the parents now? Or when the fry are freee swiiming? or do i jsut keep them in there? Theyve done a great job raising them i just worried that they might eat them once they are free swimming?

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Leave them with the parents for about 2 weeks, about that time, Mum and Dad will be getting that ol' feelin' again, and well prolly eat the babies.

You have to be very aware at that time as to when you either remove the parents or syphon out the babies.

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