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One of my white cloud mountain minnow just died


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In my 140L tank I have 4 goldfish, all about 4-5cm long, about 30 Malayan trumpet snails which I never really see and 23 mountain minnows (well 22 now).

This afternoon I found one dead, I had the tank for almost half a year now and no fatalities before this one, I added 10 minnows about 1 month ago and extra 13 about 2 weeks ago.

It's not big a deal at all but still I would appreciate some advice on how it could have died to prevent more dying. Or maybe just bad luck. My goldfish are all very peaceful and get along fine with the minnows, never attempt to chase them or eat them.

- I change about 30% water every 2 weeks, don't have time to do a 10-15% every week

- I feed everyday, small amount of goldfish granules, goldfish flakes and 2 pinches of tropical flakes for the minnows, but they tend to eat randomly the minnows will eat goldfish flakes and vice versa.

- Tank is quite densly planted, not that dense though with 5 blue hygrophilas, about 12 stalks cabombas, 3 bunches of hygrophila polysperma, 4 bunches of giant baby ears, 1 E Osiris Plant and a piece of driftwood in the middle

That's how I pretty much maintain the tank, don't think I'm doing anything wrong maybe it died due to bad luck and not getting any share of food a few times in a row.

Thanks and advice appreciated.

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If a lot more die in the next couple days then I will provide you with some replacements.

Otherwise the wcmm I have live in an unheated tank with no special treatment, only a top up of tap water every week.

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