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How much to feed?

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I would appreciate your opinions on feeding!

I feed my fish in the morning:

2 pinches (1/2- 1 teaspoon) JBL Gala flake

1/2 teaspoon JBL freeze/dryed boodworms

1/2 teaspoon JBL f/d Daphinia

2 tabs JBL plecochips

2 tabs JBL novatabs (broken into quarters)

Given the fish below, do you think this seems too much, too little, about right? The fish seem to eat for about 10 mins or so maximum.

I have an AR980 which has been set up for about 3 months.

It is extensively planted (variety of swords, crypts, cambomba, anubias, java ferns on driftwood, java moss, dwarf saggitaria, pigmy chain sword, saurarus, straight and twisted vals, glassos, and some others) and moderately populated (Blue Ram pair, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 6 Corys, 1 Brstlenose, 7 Ottos, 16 neons and 20 harlequins.)

I am currently running the AR980 filter and a Aqua One CF1200, with Purigen, carbon and Phos-guard. The water chemistry appears good (0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, Ph 7, no nitrates and very low phosphates, probably gone with Phos-guard). I do 25% water changes twice a week, and am using Flourish and Flourish excel for the plants.

Thank you in anticipation!


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I would have said it is way too much but if all is well in the tank then keep doing what you are doing. I don't even feed my fish once a day and will leave them up to 2 weeks without food if we go away. My tankis lightly stocked and heavily planted and well matured though.

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I'd say thats getting on the heavy side, you should probably split the food in to morning and night feedings. Your fish will be fine with a small sprinkle of flake and maybe an algae tab here and there, but feeding more is up to you :) As long as nothing is suffering because of it, who cares :) its all good. I'd definately split it in to seperate meals though.

Since you have 7 ottos and a bristlenose, the algae tabs are a good idea, as long as its eaten over the daytime, you should also give cucumber a go, I hear ottos love it.

At the end of the day unless your tank is suffering (which it isnt by the sound of it) and your fish are not getting obese, I wouldn't worry :) And in saying that, I've found obese fish tend to grow faster and larger anywho.

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