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Kribs are often kept in smaller fish community tanks, however, having a pair in there can mean trouble, depending on the fish themselves, but often they will protect their babies rather violently :lol:

The males are alot larger, she alot shorter in the body and has a plump fat crimson belly when showing breeding colours... He also has a pointed doral fin and has patterning on the top of his tail. (The male will also show red sides etc in breeding mode)


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They're community fish until they start breeding, but some (like my pair) aren't very aggressive at all, and they dont kill fish they just encourage them to keep away from their side of the tank :)

I would expect to pay $5-15 (depending on store) if you want them at a size closer to adult. Hutt Pets always has heaps in. When picking them out try to get those with the most vivid colours, but remember they'll darken up a lot more when they get settled in at home.

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