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Wow, thats certainly food for thought. Thanks Warren.

Maybe there's something non-toxic and organic in the water tanks creating the issue.

Our water is collected off the roof as we are rural and dont have any other water source, so its pretty much straight rain water. We almost ran out the other week and I wonder if the sediment in the bottom of the water tank has concentrated all the greeblies?

Do you use UGF? If so, when was it last cleaned well?

No, the tank now has 3 cannister filters on it (2600 lph). Its approx 550 litres.

The tank has now had 5 water changes and all seems to be good. The only thing I can put the spikes down to would be the cruddy stuff at the bottom of the house tanks as the same water is used for the other tanks and they are all fine but hadnt had a water change at the same time as the big tank :-?

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While working on a farm in my youth, one of my jobs was to get into the water tank, that collected water from the roof and clean it out.

What I saw in there made me puk.

It was a decomposing oppossum, with no fur on it, nicely polluting our water supply.

I then realized why the water tasted like it did and why our clothes always smelt like a dead animal.

Man, it still tightens my stomach muscles.

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It was a decomposing oppossum, with no fur on it, nicely polluting our water supply.

I then realized why the water tasted like it did and why our clothes always smelt like a dead animal.

Ewwwwwwwwww :o

we have those guard thingys that stop animals getting in the tanks but there is bound to be the odd houdini.

I almost dont want to look

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Also remember rainwater is very soft and is prone to pH swings. Any swing larger than .2 on the pH scale can cause problems with some fish. I'm not saying this is definately your problem, but its another item for consideration.

Our local supply has less than 1 degree KH, so in my smaller tanks and tanks with more sensitive fish I add a small amount of coral sand to bring it up closer to 3 degrees (just a handful in a stocking in the filter). This small change isnt noticed by the fish but is just enough to stablise my pH at around 7. Other options are just putting a single shell in the aquarium etc

Just another idea for the pile.

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