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Can i feed my fish guppies?


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I know its mean but...

My friend has a few to many guppies and was wondering if i'd take some. In past experiences, my angels and other cichlids enjoyed chasing the guppies until they magicaly disapeard one day.... :wink: ....

sooo...Would it do any of my fish any harm if they ate these guppies??

would it make them sick or anything?


yeah im cruel

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Not cruel at all.. it is nature ;):D

If the guppies are in good health and your fish are big enough to consume a guppy without any problems, then go for it ;)

Can't beat the good old live food :lol: My frons got some tasty Brichardi the other night, I had around 80 odd hatch and I am not raising 80 odd Brichardi, so thinned them out a wee bit :lol:

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Is your electric yellow hassling your others? If he is hassling your other fish then it might be the case of having to house him with tank mates of the same kind.. ie start an African tank! go onnnnnn you know you want to ;):D:P :lol:

I wouldn't recommend you have an Electric Yellow in with anything other than Malawi Cichlids.. plus they prefer different water parameters..

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Lol i wish i had enough tanks afrikan. Ive been given the bright little dude because he was hassling there fish too. i thought since my fish were same size they would be alright. And my other big tank is taken up by my spawning angels aghhh

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Ok, they are good for chasing and are over all terrors to each other to as are alot of other African species aswell.. just keep an eye on your fish, incase they get stressed out too much :D

My big Malawi tank is usually really peaceful, till something tipped the scales 2 days ago, now I have two peacocks looking rather worse for wear :roll:

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Yea ill keep a constant eye out. Ive built the tank up with lots of rocks for hiding places, looks pretty kool. :lol:

Just before i was trying to find the link to a tank picture, i think it was one of your tanks but im not too sure, it had lots of rocks and terracotta pots or something, was that yours?

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You've gotta watch out for disease etc too. Guppies and Neons are prone to disease. Danios on the other hand have a good immune system and they're fast :) Some good exercise.

I don't buy fish to feed the Oscars, but we do take healthy unwanted fish such as danios with bent spines etc, I'm just finishing off a supply of unwanted black widow tetras. I've got a few species of fish on the breed here and its handy having a retard disposal unit.

What I consider cruel is when the fish is stressed for more than about a minute and can't be swallowed/killed in one hit. I wont be taking black widows again for that reason (takes the oscars too long).

I haven't seen sharn post yet, so I should make the point that other fish aren't overally nutritious. I use mine for entertainment/exercise, but I feed pellets, beefheart, dogfood etc normally

Just got a M/F pair of Jag cichlids. I'm going to give them our last black widow, see how they go, if it takes longer than a minute I'll net it out.

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:lol: SW. I normally stay out of feeder topics cause they can get heated but you are right about nutrtional benefits. Many species arent adapted to eating fish and just cause they will eat it doesnt mean its good for them. People often think large fish need and want fish in their diet when in most cases its not a natural food source and can lead to a few problems (digestion, nutrient absorbtion). Natural piscavores like clown knives and so on will be fine with feeders if you choose to use them but many are 100% healthy from prepared foods.

Certain species of fish are shown to be less nutritional than others and contain certain things that can lead to deficiencies of vitamins etc. I cant remember off the top of my head which were the 'healthiest' ones to feed :lol:

Main thing when feeding live things is to remember that can contain parasites (basically any live food). If you are careful you can minimise these risks but its never 100% safe :)

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hehe speaking of which

When my Kribensis were tiny wee fry I had two that couldn't swim properly. I culled one but never found the other, then last week I spotted a small kribensis hopping around, its crazy cute, he looks happy as, he sits upright and everything, just can't get very far off the ground, more of a bottom dweller. I should cull but too cute, its like a lil' bunny rabbit without the ears.

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