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My carpet is nice and clean, but funny smelling now.


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Had a bad fish day yesterday. Found my braziliensis floating. Kinda wierd because there were also heaps of balls of some orangish oily stuff floating around him.

So I scooped him out and started doing a water change. Sometime in the 15 minutes between checks of the water level the hose running out the door shifted to inside the door. Lovely pond inside. But, I think a carpet shampooer is now on the required list for any fish owner.:) Got heaps of dirt out too. Much easier than using towels like previous big spills.

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And bugger again..

You sure it wasn't your Mutt that shifted the hose? Ours used to grab the damn thing and wave it about all over the place when you were trying to water something!

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Nobody was watching...I bet it was one of the fish! Slid down the hose, knocked it inside, had a little party in the puddle on the carpet and then crawled back up.

Man, who'd have thought at 8" severum could squeeze down a 20mm hose?:)

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Nope, just imagine multiple blobs of orangish oil around pea sized and bunch of smaller rice grain sized ones. They were definitely a liquid because when I tried to scoop them up they'd either flatten out and stick to the net or squish through and reform into bunches of smaller blobs on the other side.

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