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Disapearing Kuhli Loach?


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Hi people. I had 3 khuli loaches yesterday but when i moved all my fish to another tank 1 was missing. In my tank i have 2 Bristlenose 2 dwarf loaches tiger barbs and a few dwarf gourami . Anyone have any ideas on what could have happened to it? Thanks

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My kuhli's have started coming out each time they smell food, but if they want to hide i'm out of luck - lots of fine gravel, and 2 big peices of driftwood so holey and "awesome" that i'll have to catch and account for each fish before i take it out of the tank - the clown loaches especially like hiding in there and nearly suffocating :roll:

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Thats good that you found the third one. I have 2 and they always hide and only come out when i put in the tablets for the pleco (i get worried they have died if i dont see them for a few weeks). The strangest thing has happened lately though, i just bought a couple of clown loachs and now the khulis are out during the day hanging about the front of the tank and sitting in the plants (they dont look stressed either). Its like they are not scared of the other fish anymore, very strange.

So maybe if you get some clowns your khulis may come out more.

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