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Noisy Tank!!!


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Is the internal filter making all the noise? Its definately not a good idea to turn it all off at night as your filter will die off...

I have found that if internals are noisy then it may have some air in it (try assembling it under water when you clean it out) or the impellor may be worn..

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If they fish are out and about they should be sweet but if they sulking or anything like that then you might pay to difuse the outflow of the filter by pointing it into the edge of the tank or sticking a ornament or rock in front of it.. Its generally the best to have as big a filter as practical in your tank as it helps keep things stable.

When I had a similair problem I just disconnected the airline from the filter at night and then stuck it back on but that depends on if you are actually needing the air in the tank..

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It could very well be the impeller - the ceramic shafts are usually pretty good but the impellers arn't quite as durable. We had twenty of them running in our first large fishroom, and all they did was hum a little.

Also, if you find the current is a bit much, try turning the flow down - on the side of the pump is a little lever, fully one way is max flow, the other is much slower. Have a play and see if it makes a difference for you.

A new impeller is fairly cheap. Should be only a few dollars from your LFS.

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If it is the air tube, I have a longer piece on mine & just bend it so it is in the water at night. Pull it out of the water in the morning. No bubbles at night, bubbles during the day.

Make sure the internal is high up in the tank so the surface of the water gets some agitation at night. Joys is resting fish at night, don't take up much oxygen.

Frenchy :D

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