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guerrier d'arc-en-ciel

This is a good translation site -


Does this still class as being on topic? It does have fish in the url!

Alan (not you alanmin4304), won't understand though, he's not a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fan!

Carla, I have three Otos, I don't know how much impact they have on the hair algae, I still have a small amount of it in my tank amongst the Java moss, but I probably don't have enough of them to clean it up totally. Also, I um, think I over feed my Otos, they prefer to eat shrimp pellets and flake off the bottom of the tank, but I must say, there isn't any algae on the tank walls, where the Otos spend most of their time.

Amano uses them in his planted tanks a lot for cleanup, too.

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I don't have a problem on the walls - the bristles do that, but on the plants.

In fact the tortured vallisneria (spiral one) looks pretty "old" at present with "hairs" about 15cm long ...

So who will eat it please?

Have so far:

-fertilised the heck out of it

-at least 15 bristlebabies on the job

-made waterchanges to leach nutients

-but then thought fertiliser may be better...

so what shall i do - looks terrible at present.


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