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Kribensis and Gouramies.


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Hi people i am thinking bout getting some Kribensis and/or Gouramies for my tank.At the moment i have a small school of tiger barbs and a few baby Bristlenose catfish.But first i need to know if these fish need anything special in thier tank( hiding places, plants etc?). And also what gouramies are the best ones to get( age, size ).And where would the cheapest and best place in CHCH to get these fish From? Thanks

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alright bristlenose's need some wood in there tank i dont know about tiger barbs

i recomend organism (corner of clide and ilam road) they have a huge selection of fish that are all healthy they have lots of gouramis and kirbs (if you decide to get kirbs i would wait and get a breeding pair they like caves)

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How many tiger barbs do you have? as they can be aggressive towards others if kept in too few numbers. Bristlenoses need wood or pleco chips.

As for Gouramis. the smaller varieties are Honey Banded and Dwarfs

The larger are peal, three spot and kissing gouramis

depending on tank size ide got for the bigger as the could hold more ground against the tiger barbs.

Any other views as im not sure my suggestion is entirely correct :oops:

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I have both Kribs, gourami's and bristles in my tank - I have a heavily planted tank, with caves for the kribs which they like, wood for the bristles and plant cover for the gourami. if you have floating plant the gourmai (espically the dwarf gourami) will build bubble nests in the tank. I find that the gold and kissing gourami have more personatily that the dwarfs, but it all comes down to what you like.

sorry have no experience with the tiger barbs

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I had two dwarf gourami's both male and they were fine till I was talked into getting a third, another male. He was agressive and bit chunks out of one other, so I rehomed him ASAP. But then the two that were once buddied up didn't get on..one took over the stand over tactics. So they are now very happy, but living one in each of my 2 tanks. The noses dont mind them. I did notice the aggressive candidate went for my black neon tetras, but left the white clouds alone.

I knew running males together was a bit of a risk, but they seemed fairly settled in the shop tank.

They are territiorial.

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