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water flow in tank with discus


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Hi, I have just added my first discus to my community tank and would like to know if too much waterflow is undisirable for him? Tank is about 440litres,Filter/pumps 1 x 1000litre external canister,2 x powerhead 1000litre running 2 x undergravel filters. Tank has big driftwood log in it for him to hide,he seems happy enough so far.I'm new to discus. any help appreciated, cheers

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For a 440L tank, that flow doesn't sound too high, especially if you diffuse the output of the powerheads as suphew has suggested.

Discus are best in groups of 3 or preferably more, and appreciate dither fish. Dither fish (like cardinal tetras) will show the discus its safe to come out. With other discus and dithers, they'll come out a lot more.

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Thanks for the advice, I am intending on getting a few more discus but am going to see how this fella goes first. He is quiet a big fish and does come out now and then I just wanted him to feel comfortable. thanks again everyone for the fast advice.

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you are indeed right abalone- it isnt great fun watching six fish die off (especially if you had to fork out a fair bit for it) however a single discus probably wont be too happy and the stress of being alone may invite problems along eventually. i would suggest getting more discus within the next few weeks if your first one is doing well (from personal experience i suggest get at LEAST 4 more to make a total of five otherwise its constant bickering and picking at each other).

big discus also dont seem to like being moved much, my larger fish definatly sulked longer than my smaller ones when i bought my discus.

if they start to play up the remedy will probably be fairly easy if caught early enough- most of the time the problems lie with tank params (dirty water, wrong temp) or tankmates. if in doubt do a water change :lol:

that said i agree with the others on tank flow, i have my spraybars pointed back at the glass :)

best of luck with your discus :bounce:

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