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Where can I get an anti parasitic from??? Help help.


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Please help. My fish and I have suffered enough. My tropical fish just keep dying one at a time every few days. I have tried everything over the last two months or so. Salt, high temp, whitespot cure furan-2, water changes....., water changes , There are no apparent physical signs other than some fish either individually going to the bottom of the tank and dying a week later or (in the case of discus) just becoming withdrawn and stopping feeding. pH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, temp all 7, nil, nil, nil 29C respectively. Why don't pet shops sell any anti parasitics? I'm desperate to get my hands on something that'll knock out parasites. It's the only thing I haven't been able to try. For those who slam treatments I haven't used or done anything to intervene for a couple of weeks and it hasn't stopped the deaths. What is NZ's problem with anti parasitics? Fish are suffering here and I can't figure out how to stop the suffering.......

I'm going to have to go to the Vet and try and get something. I've got to try prazi. LFS suggested melafix, but from what I've read it's no good for parasites. I've tried 3 LFS's and they all try and push antibiotics -I don't have a bacterial infection. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. I'm at wits end. Help please -this is not a happy hobby and I'm becoming a slave to the tank.


Neons -just found dead one at a time in the morning.

Pinochios -all dead one morning (6) bottom dwellers.

Discus -all sizes, all previously very healthy just go dark, withdraw, stop feeding, gills working away fast and die a week later.

Swordtails -go to the bottom of the tank one ata time and sit there quite happily until they die.

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It sounds like you are having a hard time. I don't think there is any point in throwing medications at a fish tank unless you know what you are treating. Can you get one of the more experienced local members to have a look and try to work out what the problem is? It is said that a very high percentage of the drugs prescribed by doctors are to treat the side effects of the other drugs prescribed.

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Your LFS should have an anti-parasitic called "Fluke Tabs" which should knock out your skin and gill flukes, as well as deworm your discus. Other than that, your discus could easily be getting a disease commonly called "Hole in the Head" which is a flagellate bacterial infection treated with metronidazole, but the rapid breathing makes me wonder. I would definitely treat with fluke tabs. If your LFS can't/won't get them contact me for some.

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Could all be related to my earlier post

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/lfs-su ... 17640.html

I couldn't get any metro/prazi anywhere so tried furan-2, salt, high temp etc... I'm going to try a Vet this morning. I'm in Howick 021 1714546.

I'll put the next fish that dies aside in a jar for 24-48 hrs to see if anything becomes visible in the way of parasites and might try and get some photos of the gills under the microscope.

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