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My poor neons


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I have heard alot about neon tetras being problematic, i had no troubles with mine until the last few days where i've had four die in four days! the first and third ones to die have kind of been shrivelled up looking like an egyptian mummy when they died and their bodys were curled up one way or the other, the fourth whom died today was extremely healthy looking tho, nice bright colours and plump body! The second one to die, well couln't say about him, his body still has not been discovered yet??? is the dreeded neon disease? They have all been healthy looking, and seem to be schooling and darting about happily, but every day i have got home another one has bitten the dust, Ive only got four let so here's hoping!!!

Sorry bout the long post :(

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Thanks penguinleo,

Sorry when I said plump i mean he didn't shrivel up like the other two, his body still looked nice and healthy! But this dropsy you mention, can that come and go without doing any harm? I have noticed somtimes one or two may get a little big round the belly but its usually after feeding time so i have put it down to being greedy! i haven't seen it for awhile!

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If the other neons got very thin before they died I would suspect internal parasites. Female neons get nice and plump when they are full of eggs. All neons get plumper after they feed.

Also, do you have any idea how old the neons are? They may be dying of old age. Old fish will get thin and ragged looking and may also develop curves of the spine. If they were all bought together they will be a similar age so all die about the same time.

Neons in aquariums live anywhere from 2 - 5 years depending on age when bought.

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Neons are very susceptable to disease, at least the stock we seem to get here are. Really I'd just replace them, most pet stores will offer a 10 for $20 deal or similar.

I'd be suspecting age as above, but if you've neglected water changes (20-30% weekly) or overfeeding (more than they can eat in a couple of minutes) then it could be a water problem (ammonia) that is weakening the fish (and making them susceptible to disease/parasites.

Also neons like it 22-24 degrees, I kept mine at 30C and they wither away after about a year, lower temp extends their life a bit. Cardinals are a better replacement, but you wont get 10 for $20! :lol:

Good luck!

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I have thought about getting some cardinals, would they school with the neons? I feel sorry for the little beggars now theres only four of them left!

My bad streak seems to be over now! Im pretty fastidious when it comes to water changes and quality but having difficulty as we have shifted premises a few months back and the water quality here is aweful!

But thanks for all the help much appreciated!

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