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wounded discus


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hey there 8)

one of my discus has been wounded quite badly fighting over a female, and i was wondering what the best way to treat is? around the mouth is very raw looking and has heaps of scrapes along the sides.

will be getting a spare tank to put him in tonight coz hes still wanting to fight :roll:

any advice greatly appreciated


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id do nothing if the wound/scratches isnt looking angry, extra water changes to keep the water super clean while hes healing will do the trick IME. my discus have had a few good scratches from fighting and flying into the top of the tank and they healed up no sweat :)

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hey sharn do u take your wounded ones out to heal or just leave em be?

just wondering cause the pair have laid, but the two males are still scrapping it out. and if your wondering antwan your one is a female and has paired up with the solid blue one. the turk has been hammered

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nope, they stay in there but the aggression in my tank isnt ongoing- its just every now and again when theyre spawned or having a moody round dinner time :lol:

if hes in that tank, beaten up and is still getting harrassed or fighting then i would probably move him out- hes not gonna heal as well when hes stressed out even if the water is nice and clean.

how many discus do you have in the tank? is the aggression spread out onto other fish or is it just the turq and the blue fighting with each other and ignoring everyone else?

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id do nothing if the wound/scratches isnt looking angry, extra water changes to keep the water super clean while hes healing will do the trick IME

yeah thats what i would do to. if you cant move it them you could add a divider, this also will keep stress down from changing tanks

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cheers ron for the advice, unfortnately i have no space to have a breeding tank at the moment. not until i get my garage up anyway. the fighting seems to have eased off now and the wounded one is keeping away from the eggs which is promising :o

last time i removed a pair into a barebottom to breed they sulked in a corner for 3 months until i put them back into the community where they instantly went back to normal- swimming around happily and eating hungrily. would this be because of the change between planted and barebottom? or the lack of other discus to chase away?kind of annoying as they spawned 2 weeks after being returned to the community :evil:

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