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Algae in a heavily planted tank. Help needed.


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This might sound strange G.W.Hand.. but did you give those noodle things a good wash before you set them up? I had heaps of stuff come out of mine when I washed them. I have a little AR380 and I do get bubbles from the way the water circulates. Like it pulls through some air from the filter sponge or something. Bubbles then get stuck on the plants and makes it look like they've been pearling :) (although I know better!! :cry: )

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Hi jn

I think the trickle filter set-up on the ARs really oxygenates/aerates the water quite a bit. I cleaned the media and substate thoroughly before I put them in the trickle filter and in the CF1200 filter as well. Air bubbles down the end of the tank where the trickle filter returns the water, but tiny flecks down the other end.

Thanks for your input jn.

Regards, TGWH

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Hi Great White Hand. Yes. The erythromycin definitely did work. Presently, I have no blue green slimy algae. And from the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be coming back. None of my plants were affected by it. I didn't over dose it though. It took about a week for it to completely disappear. Watch the green water issue. If it gets worse, you may have to get yourself a UV steriliser which will cost you a bit. :-? I still have green stringy algae but the amount has significantly decreased. I have added some more flying foxes which helps. I unfortunately still have a bit but seems to be decreasing. Let me know what you need to know. :D

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Hi Pengiunleo, Alan

Pegiunleo, pleased to hear you had a good result, I'll definitely do the same thing if the blue/green gets bad (at the moment its just a smudge or two (sometimes I wonder if I'm just seeing things! I wouldn't be TGWH if I didn't I supose). My "Algae Squad" (1 BN, 2 SAE, 4 Ottos) seem to be stepping things up a bit.

Alan, you're right the $64,000 question is how to acheive that elusive "balanced stable, system". I am constantly striving to increase my understanding of the requirements of a planted community tank, the pieces seem to be coming together (lighting, CO2 and nutrients). I haven't knowingly cut any corners or made too many mistakes with this set-up. I need to trust in my judgement (helped by invaluable input from yourself and others) and give this tank some time.

Kind Regards, TGWH

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Blue green algae is not controlled by algae eaters because it is not an algae. I am trying to control a bit in one of my tanks at present. I have in the past got it under control using hydrogen peroxide but am not having a lot of luck todate. I have some good killies in there I am reluctant to kill them off with meds. Just have to keep plugging away.

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