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Fell for it already!!


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Went to turn out the light off on my tank tonight and there was 1 of my new clown loaches lying on it's side, "no" I cried and rushed to save it " What the hell's all the shouting about?" said the loach and swum off to join his mates. I'd heard plenty about them doing this but wasn't prepared for seeing it. Everybody loves a comedian!! :oops:

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Ummm, i don't think they interact much with tankmates, but depending on how many you have you could make your troupe bigger - the more there are the happier they are, and they look even better in a bigger group.

I would get some mid-top dwellers to add interest to that area of the tank - the clowns climb and swim up but are usually on the bottom. Mine get on swimmingly ( :lol: :lol: ) with my male betta and lace/dwarf gourami.

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I started with 2 clowns and upgraded to 5 a few weeks later. If i get a bigger tank i'll be getting more, as 4-5 is about the recommended minimum IMO, and from what i've been told (I really noticed the positive change once the other 3 were added).

I don't know much about angels, but can't see any reason why they wouldn't go well with the clowns. Someone is bound to pop in and offer their advice on that :)

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glad to hear the clowns are going great for you catty....... your angels will be fine and also kribs will be fine (might pay to make sure you have plenty of hidi holes for them all) ....... they will go with most community fish ..... ive had them with BGK's ,, sevs ,, parrots,, kribs ,, rams ,, jups ,, suris ,, discus and the list goes on..... get your bigger tank and more clowns.. :D and fill it up(slowly) and enjoy :bounce: :bounce:

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Mine do it. I have 6, have had them for a month. Got 3 small ones, and 3 large ones from another store.

If there is hiding holes they'll go to sleep in there, but if nothing is available they'll sleep anywhere. I watched mine do it in the store before I bought them (no caves), since bringing them home I've only seen them sleep on their side inside rocks/caves etc.

Mine are with kribensis, angels. platys, neons etc

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Clowns definately do the sleepy bye thing.. We used to have a large school of very large clowns... in a BIG tank, and they were awesome, sadly tho, they do need a big tank later on down the track and I get so tired of seeing them in such stuffy tanks after a while, the bonus thing is, they are slow growing.. Not only do clowns lay on their sides, but Red Tail Botias do, Pakistanis.....alot of loaches do :D

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If there is hiding holes they'll go to sleep in there, but if nothing is available they'll sleep anywhere. I watched mine do it in the store before I bought them (no caves), since bringing them home I've only seen them sleep on their side inside rocks/caves etc.

You two must have the 'normal' variety

I must have the normal ones, however I do have 2 crazy skunk loaches, they almost bury themselves on their side under my swamp kauri

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Ive seen mine do it every night now since I got them, all piled up together, sideways, upside down but I'm over the shock now and just giggle at them cos they are sooo cute!

Afrikan, I know the 3 footer is not ideal in the long run but at the mo' they are only small, about 8/9cms and I'm making arrangements for a bigger tank. Honest, I wouldn't have them if I couldn't care for them properly. That's why I'm trying to get their choice of tank mates right and am always keen for advise.

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Hey There fattycatty :D I wasn't meaning you, I was just meaning in general :D

You sound like you are putting great thought into your little guys :D It's just some people don't, we ended up getting a very big clown loach who was crammed in a small tank, could only really turn around.. so he ended up joining our other guys in a big tank, I'm sure he thought all his xmases had come at once :lol:

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I head back to Queenstown on Monday, my new house has this extremely wide hallway, like 8 foot wide(!!!!!) so guess what's going all along the wall in the hall? Not looking forward to moving all the fish but there's a small, secret fish shop there so that's good. The owner has agreed to take some of my sword babies before I get over run as I think all the ladies are pregnant again! Then I can concentrate on my new project.

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Currently I have 2 3 footers, a small 1 footer (not in use) and a 2 footer ruled by Seymour my Betta but he needs to be near my computer cos he's a nosy buggar and likes to peek out of the floating plants while I'm working. My next project is the 4 footer for the loaches and that will definately go in the hall.

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