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my panduro!!

sid 201

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got these two from The Animal Shack during the week :bounce: -i think i've got a male and female, but not to sure.

also in the tank are:-

6 golden pencil's

2 young bn's

and the guppies that havent been taken yet(should be rid of most of them next weekend)






waters tinted as i filter through peat although the photo's make it look darker.

these are my first real attempts to take pictures of my fish-

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Cool pic's. my first thoughts are that they are both female, but i have been wrong in the past.

If they are a pair and you want to breed them you will find that the bn's will try there hardest to get to the eggs, so if they spawn, ditch the bn's to another tank (if passable)

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I'm not realy planning to breed -if it happens thats great but i wont be making any special arangements.

I think the fish are quite young & I'm hoping that one will turn out to be male, if not would there be an issue adding a male later -as the tank is only a 2 footer?

I plan to get a larger tank at some point,wedding and stuff to be done first though :)

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Looks like a male and female to me...the third pic is what does it for me. But hey, they can be tricky to sex. If they are two females, and you add a male later, make sure you have lots of hiding spaces, like driftwood, rocks or plants. The peat is a good idea, they will appreciate it.

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All of those pics have female IMO, the third pic has one coming into view, and I can't see the marks on it clear enuf to give an opinion on it.

But if the rest are a share of both of them, then you have two females.

The male should have a body colour of sky blue

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Not necessarily Alan, younger male Apistogramma's still possess black markings


This was my male when I first got him (although he does look blue, it was a very lucky shot, and most of the time he looked the typical "stressed" colour. Anyway, you can see there he has black ventral fins, and a small black patch on his tummy, these all disappeared with age.

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I've had a better look today and both fish have the large black patches on their flanks-the one i thought male has the patches fade some times-almost to nothing,but at other times becoming very dark-almost identical to the other.

i'm of the opinion(now anyway :-? ) that both are female and the darker one is dominant -there isn't much going on in the way of aggression ,but should i be worried?

could i add a male without any problems? or is the tank(2 foot) to small for to female's and a male?

theres a good few hiding places -plants ,bogwood and a couple of flower pots- will be adding more plants & wood over the next few weeks

has any one found a difinitive guide to sexing these?-the only photo's i've found are adults and these are sub adult so I'm still not 100% and i'd really want to be before thinking of adding an other fish

Cheers all

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well i've got one definate female and one probable.

came home from work today and found the probable hiding in the java moss -the dominant(definate) female has just spent a couple of minites chasing the other all over the tank :(

will they be ok for the time being?

I realy want a bigger tank but cant afford one for at least 2-3 months

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i've put a seperator in -hope that helps, the less dominant(probable female )was stressed to hell when i got home from work.

hope things will calm down in a few days/a week.

if not i've a tiny (27 liter ) tank i'll have to rig up -lights u/s though -will be looking on trade me for a dirt cheap (3 foot min )tank& stand..i'm totaly broke untill mid march at the earlyest (wedding on the 10th !!)

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after one day with the seperator in there's a real differance in my tank-definatly two females ,the less dominant one is far more relaxed and is showing her colours/patches .

will it be possible to remove the seperator after a while or will the hassle just start anew?

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damn- hoped it could be taken out after a while,would adding a male help or make things worse?

knew about the aggro but hadn't realised it would be on all the time-also thought one was male :(

dont realy want to have to keep the partition in

any one out there want to swap one of these females for a male?

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