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Looking for awesome fish shops in Brisbane and Gold Coast


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hey everyone

Im hopefully headig to gold coast and brisbane for two weeks on friday and since i have done all the touristy stuff before i thought i might have a bit more time to swing by some good fish/pet stores while im there.

I was just reading about coral plantation on the gold coast so was wondering if anyone knew any other good ones to check out. I'll probably be helping a friend renovate her fresh water tank while im there anyway so would be good to know a great shop in brisbane to help with that.

cheers guys and have a great weekend


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Hey mate,

go and have a look at Pet City (i think thats what its called) in Mt Gravatt just south of brizzy, awsome amount of fish etc. crammed into that shop. Prob be on the net or just look in a phone book when you get over there. Pretty easy to find. Have a good trip :wink:

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Pet city is on Kingston Rd by memory.

As you in Salt Water by the looks of it :( ...... :P

Umm, thats a different kettle of fish to what I keep.

A very nicely laid out one is Clayfield Aquarium, in Clayfield of course. Park Ave I think is the street.

The Aquarium Warehouse chain, there is 3 of them. Have a collection of marines. 2 on the coast, 1 in brissie.

The first one you have mentioned is Coral Plantations, very nicely set up...Check yellow pages Australia, follow the prompts..... most shops are in there.

If you like freshwater, then thats easy lol.

Wetpetz is a must, Annerley Aquarium has some oddities. Both on Old Cleveland Road, different ends though.

Gold Coast,

Aquarium & Petland on Nind St in Southport.

Aquariums Alive in Nerang, Tibbing St...problem there is you get to meet Brad{Freakyfish}

Q Aquarium, Q super store, Bermuda St

G&S Aqua at Runaway Bay, street name I forget.

Alan might mention a couple he liked when we did our little tiki tour.

Frenchy :D

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Why does everyone think its a problemn to meet me?????

Nah mate come in and have a chat

Coral Plantations is a must see though for marine its at Currumbin on the Gold Coast

Clayfield is also a great shop for Marine and plants

WetPetz and Annerly in Brissie are worth the look as well


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I can tell it's a problem with Brud, because he calls ya "mate" he even does it in his posts. :P

But hey , his shop is a must see, and what was that one where they closed the shop doors so I could take a pic of their aro tank??.

Sharn would have loved the size of it, the tank, and the fish.

That's a good one too.

The Wholesale chain are just that.

Ok if you want to buy 100 neons, cheap, but expensive to buy small numbers.

You'll get blown away by the number and size of their tanks though, they are worth a trip.

Then there was a small one that was absolutely loaded with Africans.

So good that Rose was even swept up in the emotion of seeing them.

Worthwhile checking that one because they have fish there ya don't get here.

Well not coloured like that.

You park in the centre of the road, hoprfully Frenchy can tell you what the name is from that discription.

She even said "now if you had fish like that I wouldn't mind you having fish."

Hit up the boyz when you get over there.

Bluudy good guys!!

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cheers guys definately sounds like i have a few good ones to visit.

Im personally into freshwater and planted aquariums , i just mentioned the marine one as i saw a link for it but i like looking at everything.

I'll have to see how much time i have as to how many i can get to go see but i definately hope to get around at least a couple of stores and check out whats different.

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The one where we closed the doors is Wetpetz.


The one with all the Africans is Nind St.

Brads site...


Where is it Brad? I used to like the pic of your brother swimming in one of your display tanks when you were setting them up lol.

As for planted tanks...Clayfield do mainly just marines & planted. They got out of cichlids :( To many shops around them that do cichlids, shame really, as theres is the best quality shop in that area of brissie.{IMO}

Hit up the boyz when you get over there.

I'm not that way inclined Alan. :P

Sorry to Brad, yes I should of placed your shop at the top of the list, my humble apologies.:roll: :lol:

Frenchy :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey thought i'd chuck you an update of where i have been so far.

went into the pet city one that was mentioned and got a bit of gravel and and some new fish from there. i do like the amount of plants you get in a bunch here. i purchased one bunch of thin val which i then managed to split into at least 8 seperate plants. had a similar amount from the cabomba i got.

i went into wet petz today as i noticed it while we zipped past in the car. the shop was smaller than expected but i did like their selection of fish especially cichlids. had a couple of nice displays but was a bit dissapointed when i saw a couple of fish with white spot and about 10 dead fish in the feeder fish tank. but these things happen. they had some fantastic anubius though and some nice crypts.

hopefully ill be able to make it to annerley next week and while im on the gold coast over teh weekend ill visit a few more down there. i go to sunshine coast tomorrow for a couple of nights so will swing by underwater world again cause it always nice there.

will update again when im back in NZ most likely

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