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Fish seem to be on Viagra...


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Roughly 40 Marleri Peacock fry stripped..

Same amount of Dragon Bloods (by the way, all fry look white)

20 plus Demasoni (with 4 more females holding)... :roll: :lol:

Johanni, need I mention those oversexed creatures... :lol:

So I have a heap of grow ons :o so anyone interested down the track then please scream out :D

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I had to only end up stripping the one (Marleri) her crop was so huge, that she started having trouble holding them all.. the odd fry would come out and she would try and collect it again, looked rather funny, so I thought lady its time you said bye to your sprogs... She really didn't want to let them go, when netting her she was so intent she was staying put with her mouth full :lol:

The others spat a day or so in the tank of their own... :D

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