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Ok guys, as has been explained, a similar thread did come up last nite and was deleted.

I have been informed by Management Staff ( of that line of shops) that they will be getting in touch with THAT shop, and informing them in the errors of their ways.

Just don't mention specific shops please.

When you see this in a shop, speak to them and make sure, in a gentle way, that what they are doing is not quite what is needed in the hobby.

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Exactly took our so called Kadango male in to lps and the guy helping us was not shy to tell us some of his fish were in the tanks for sale as etc are actually hybrids from his tank at home . But that's not all, bought some fish from a FNZAS member here in Auckland in the week and the condition of the fish were shocking not to mention 2 of the fish were something completely different They were sold to this individual by Another member Very disappointed once again Funny thing is the partner works at a lps but not once did it strike the both of them that the fish were not what they were suppose to be !! This is how people like us with true passion get riped of when you buy a kind of fish or something you know and get there and its Hybrids SHOCKING :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Something inside rings a bell like

Buyer beware

If you know your fish and what you want, you can say "I know you have that wrong and I won't buy it thanks"

The money doesn't have to shift from your pocket

We all have choices, even tho at time we make the wrong ones, then they have consequences.

Opps, sounding like Rose and her Dr. Phil

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It's the average Joe, who might see the hybrid, thinks it is pretty & buys it. Alot of people especially when new can't remember the names of cichlids. Newbies or those that impulse buy can create problems. Later on down the track they search the net find something similar, that must be it. They try to find more as its pretty, breed them & thats where the trouble starts.

As Alan said, try to be polite. Let the lfs staff know, oh you sell cross breeds/hybrids...thats no good for the hobby.

I have had the odd rude response, I made it quite clear at that point, I am not coming back & bad news travels fast. May I suggest they do some research.

Frenchy :D

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I have been into another LFS on our travels.. selling crossed Haps.. I pointed out that it's just fueling the hybrid market.. politely of course, and the response I got was "Oh well they sell, they are so colourful, so we sell them because we get the interest in them" hmmm :-?

I also had some Elec Blue Fryeri (surplus) so asked this same store, if they would like some, as I had too many males, I mean at cost/wholesale these things are going for $38 odd each, so I thought hmm it might help them out a bit getting them a fair bit cheaper.. then I get.. "Oh yes we would, but we want them fully coloured first please, as Africans don't sell unless they are in their full colour" :-? Yeah good luck getting them fully coloured from the Suppliers, (note, they ended up getting 2 in and they were no where near as big, and they were somewhat disgruntled at getting sold a female" :lol: They like male Afs, as the females are so "ugly" quote...

News to me.. oh well they lost out, I most certainly wasn't holding onto these Fryeris and raising them up any bigger than what they were, just because they wanted a quick sale card.. :lol:

Oh well, better get off this soap box.. ;):D :lol:

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