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just an observation


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other than the fact we're screwed at the cricket!! Every time I do a water change in my swords tank they hang around the heater afterwards. You'd think I put iced water in there, checked the thermostat and it's 26 degrees. They always do this for a couple of hours, big babies!!! Meanwhile the fry are zooming around happy as Larry. Who understands fish thinking??

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Oh definately, my male Betta who lives with them, does it too but I'm sure he does it cos he's nosey and thinks he's missing out on something. In fact he's so nosey he nearly went up the syphon when he was checking it out. He's the funniest fish, shame he doesn't like girls but that's another story.

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Oh, the usual, he started blowing bubble nests a while back so I got him a wife but he was having none of it and beat her up a little, tried putting them together again a bit later but this time he was worse and ripped her fins. Now she's terrified of him and I won't risk putting them together again, hence him living with the swords. Maybe he's gay!!!!

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haha we got a female for our male betta, got all excited when we introduced them 'what will he do' we thought, put her in and he didn't do anything :evil: she's a lot more aggressive than he is, and he does these really weak displays.

Sounds like you've got some wimps there! or perhaps they've had their cold swim and are just relaxing in the spa??

Being the scientific accurate guy I am, I just shove the hose in there, and the fish normally play in the cold water, I like spraying it so they get the air bubbles too, our oscars think air bubbles are the best thing since oxheart, funny watching a huge fish trying to move a 10kg boulder to get closer to the bubbles hah

Only heater problem we have is a green severum who tries to beat them up, he pulls them off then slams them against the glass, the other day I caught him spitting stones at one :-? :roll:

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now 1 of the BNs has joined the party but I'd put $$$$ on them all moving at dinner time in 40 mins. Obviously the fry are made of sterner stuff, they're having a great time with the adults nowhere in sight.

Wow, I'd love some big hard case fish, love the severum. Maybe i'll get a bigger tank when I get to Chch but not yet, will be bad enough moving this lot across the island!!

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Lol it reminds me of when i was a fry... ummm, i mean bubba... i mean child, yes that's it. Used to dive straight into the ocean and swim til i got used to the cold. Nowadays, if i go ankle-deep and it's a bit cold, i chicken out and go sunbathe (or to a heated pool) instead.

Same theory?

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