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Kribs in a community tank?


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I've got a pair of Kribs guarding fry at the moment in my community tank, 200L with hatchets, harlequins, platties, cories, and others. The cory's get a bit of a hard time as they seem to think they're invincible and the kribs nip their fins up a bit, but everyone else manages to find plenty of room. This pair managed to raise about 15 babies to about 2-3cm long before I gave them away, so you can get lots of kribs from a pair in a community tank if they're lucky :)


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Do Kribs prefer living in pairs? Would they be ok in a community tank with lace gourami, bettas, rosy tetras, clown loachs and BN's?

I saw some for sale the other week and they really caught my eye, but i don't really know anything about them

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I have had two pair of kribs, and have one pair with fry at the moment. They live happily with cardinal and rummy-nose tetras and harlequins, but the 2 gouramis (dwarf and moonlight) and betta all had to go, as they got too close and aggressive when the kribs tried to create breeding space.

Even the rummynose tetras are a little too curious/daring for my liking, but the krib parents are really awesome at chasing them away. :lol:

Kribs are great little cichlids and I really recommend them for beginners (like me!)

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Do Kribs prefer living in pairs? Would they be ok in a community tank with lace gourami, bettas, rosy tetras, clown loachs and BN's?

I saw some for sale the other week and they really caught my eye, but i don't really know anything about them

I either have, or have had kribs with all of those fish except gouramis and they have been sweet. I reckon you'l be sweet man

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Hmmm, thanks evil (you're my agony aunt this week it seems).

My gourami have started coming down to play in the big logs, but most of the time they're up top - where to kribs have their nest? If it's down near the bottom then they won't get bothered by the gourami, and i can't see the bettas caring enough to take more than a glance.....

.. but maybe the clowns would hang around wanting a look in - they like to explore all the nooks etc...

Have set up photobucket and put the link on my signature, so everyone can see the tank layout.

Maybe i should get a couple of kribs and see? Should i get a pair and cross my fingers, or is it better to have more and let them work it out?

I really need to do some research..... :oops:

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They like digging under rocks or use caves for breeding and they are fine with all the fish I have had in with them however they are very territorial when breeding and will chase even the largest of fish from where the fry are grazing. They are a must for any community tank imo. (size of other fish permitting).

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Awesome, i think i'll have a look around then.

Whew! Just found out their adult size - should make a nice addition to the tank, but i'll definitely only get a pair. Or maybe a pair of angels instead? Though i think i remember being told they're meant to be nippy with fins, so probably not good with the gourami and male betta.

Will take a while to find a nice young adult pair of kribs, so will have to have a ponder..... :roll:

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