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new tank.


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my current tank is 4 1/2 foot by 1 1/2 foot buy 2 foot. i am getting a smaller 2 1/2 foot by 1 1/2 foot by 2 foot tank. i dont have any idea what to put in it please give me some suggestions below you can see the fish i already have so obviously in this new tank i don't want to have the same fish in it but please suggest to me fish worth keeping!!!

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It all depends on wat fish you can get in London, and wat sort of fish you like?

Cichlids, Community?

2 1/2 ft x 1 1/2 ft x 2 foot tank is not very big, so maybe some Dwalf Cichlids or somefing?

are dwarf chichlids easy to look after? i havnt kept them before i know they like a rocky tank though

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Depends on what type of dwarf cichlid you get...apisto's like plants and driftwood, others like kribs I think would rather rocks (being african's).

They are pretty easy to keep, unless you get serious as some will only spawn in pH's of 4-5 which can be a mission.

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kribs are not african lake cichlids are they??? I think they arer found in a differnt region of africa to Malawi's/ victorians/ tanganyika... if I can remember coorectly kribs come from west african river biopes

Kribensis (Kribs) are pair forming cichlids. Once a pair has been established, they will breed readily. All they need is a cave-like structure to breed in. Kribs are hidden brooders and will not breed out in the open like some larger cichlids. Overturn plant pots, driftwood, rock structures, coconut shells and even PVC pipe make good hiding places for breeding. When using dry coconut shells (or half shells), clean it thoroughly and make a small entry hole, about 1 ½ to 2 inches, for the fish to enter. When creating a stacked rock structure, make certain that it is sturdy and will not collapse on your fish. You can use aquarium silicon to glue them together. The water's pH does seem to play a critical role when breeding. An alkaline pH seems to produce predominately male offspring, while an acid pH produces predominately females. Neutral water produces a more balanced sex ratio.
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if you're wanting to spawn them (apistos) a pH <7 is best with a temperature of around 26 celsius (this usually gives a 50/50 sex ratio with fry), and keep the water soft. If you can get ahold of some peat, that will help as it softens the water and lowers the pH naturally.

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