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We have a 72 gallon tank with about 9 large fish in it, and we have quite the algae problem.

One of our solutions was to buy a Plecostomus, but unfortunately, we cant find any big enough at our local pet shops.

(If you know of any USA mail order fish companys, please post them as well)

So, now we need some way to get rid of all that algae.

What are some easy solutions, and good, safer chemicals?

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Double dosing flourish killed 3 of my discus a while back, I will not touch the product again (can make my own ferts for cheaper anyways). Flourish also melts val and I think a few other plant species too. The only side affect I noticed with algaefix was my apistos looked a little glum, but other than that everything was fine.

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Thats different from what I have, but it looks like what antwan must have used judging by the description:

Easy to use water conditioner effectively controls green water algae blooms, string or hair algae (cladophora), and blanketweed (oedogonium).

Sounds great.

What I have didn't kill the duckweed (blanketweed) either, takes ages to pull that out manually :/

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I love long flowing algae!

I *encourage* mine. Grows all up the back of the tank on the glass and waves beautifully in the current. Grows a few lawns of it on rocks under the lights. Algae is a plant afterall, and ncie green stuff like this is copeting with nasty blue/green and brown algae for nutrients.

Though algae is pretty much the only plant I can grow in my tank, doing the native freshwater thing, so no algae-eaters to clean up mucky algae off plants so they turn icky and die.

There is an example of it here, before it got really lush:


It has since died after moving the tank, but slowly coming away again.


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We have a 72 gallon tank with about 9 large fish in it, and we have quite the algae problem.

One of our solutions was to buy a Plecostomus, but unfortunately, we cant find any big enough at our local pet shops.

(If you know of any USA mail order fish companys, please post them as well)

So, now we need some way to get rid of all that algae.

What are some easy solutions, and good, safer chemicals?

If you lived in britain i'd probrably give you my 8 inch one! they do grow quite quickly so if you got a small one it would grow quite quickly

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