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yay - peppered cory eggs!


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:bounce: :bounce:

Five days after shifting my six cories to their new tank, there are eggs all over the glass!

The only other occupants in the 3-ft tank are ten harlequins (and ramshorn snails!)

I only noticed the cory spawning today, but they have been going mad, with little batches (three-ten eggs) on three sides, up and down, on the filter and driftwood... about 50 all up.

Yay I love these fish! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

ugh, I didn't know that about cories.

The little kribsters are doing really well!

I went away for a week and came back to see them swimming all over the tank, with parents on guard duty. The little ones separate and swim all over, and they don't seem to be scared of the tetras. They are now too big for one swallow, but not out of danger I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

an update.

The one lone fry is now about 1.5cm long, and happy as. :bounce:

I have had two lots of eggs laid a week apart, with the first lot hatching day before the second lot were laid.

I've seen at least one of these babies alive. Twice I've spotted pin-head sized wriggles in the gravel! :bounce: :D

Advice from the KapiMana crew last night was to take the latest lot of eggs out and raise them separately, though sitting in the same tank in a smaller container.

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